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File a complaint

Mon, 07/23/2012 - 12:31 -- admin

To make a complaint, please follow the appropriate procedure, you need to approach the appropriate person, in the appropriate manner, with the appropriate documentation.

Who to approach

Each state in India has its own State Commissioners for persons with disabilities. In most cases of discrimination in the area of disability, you should go to them first for redressal.

In cases relating to the Central Government, complain directly to:
Chief Commissioner
Sarojini House, 6 Bhagwan Dass Road
New Delhi 110 001
Phone: 91-11-23386154, 23386054

How to approach

You must come to the Commissioner in one of the following ways:
1. In person
2. Through a representative
3. Through registered post
4. By E-mail

You need to give certain details:
1. Your name, address & brief description of yourself and the nature of your disability
2. The name of the person (s) and company(ies) against whom you are making your complaint, together with their address and details, so far as they can be ascertained.
3. The facts relating to the complaint

a. What happened
b. When it happened
c. Where it happened
d. What sort of relief you are claming

Documentation required

You must be able to give documents in support of the allegations contained in the complaint. You must have a Certificate of Disability proving that you are a disabled person.

What happens next

Once the commissioner has received your complaint, the commissioner will refer a copy of the complaint to the appropriate party mentioned in the complaint directing him to give his version of the case within a period of 30 days.

Some extended period of up to 15 days may be granted by the Chief Commissioner. There commissioner will then give date for the hearing. On this date, the parties or their agents must appear before the Commissioner. If you (the complainant) or your agent fails to appear on the date, the commissioner in his discretion dismisses the complaint or decides on merits. Where the opposite party or his agent fails to appear on the date of hearing, the date of hearing , the commissioner may take such necessary action under Section 63 of the act as he deems fit for summoning and enforcing the attendance of the opposite party.
The Chief Commissioner may dispose of the complaint exparte, if necessary.
The Chief Commissioner may on such terms as he deems fit and at any stage of the proceedings, adjourn the hearing of the complaints.

The complaint shall be decided, as far as possible, within a period of three months from the date of notice received by the opposite party.

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