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Helping children who are blind

Wed, 07/18/2012 - 12:12 -- admin

Authored by Sandy Niemann and Namita Jacob
Illustrations by Heidi Broner and Ahin Kumar Dutta

What about my child's future?
Many parents worry about their child's future, even after he begins to learn new skills and go to school. They wonder, "What will happen when he grows up? How will he manage when we are gone?" Sometimes it helps parents to learn about others who, even though they cannot see, have grown up to lead full and satisfying lives - to have families of their own, to earn a living, and to become respected members of their communities. Blind people can achieve this when:

  • People understand that blind children, like all children, can learn.
  • Their families and communities help them succeed.


Chapter 1: How can I help my child? 

Chapter 2: Getting started 

Chapter 3: General guidelines for learning activities 

Chapter 4: Finding out what your child can see

Chapter 5: Activities for the young baby

Chapter 6: Communication

Chapter 7: Thinking Skills

Chapter 8: Teaching Everyday Activities

Chapter 9: Safety

Chapter 10: Movement

Chapter 11: Orientation

Chapter 12: Preventing Sexual Abuse

Chapter 13: Becoming Part of the Community

Chapter 14: Getting Ready for Child-care and School

Chapter 15: Support for Parents and Caregivers

Chapter 16: Why Children lose Their Vision and What We Can Do

Chapter 17: As Your Child Gets Older


This publication titled 'Helping Children Who Are Blind' is brought out to help children with blindness and their parents to overcome the situation. It's a tool book fully illustrative stretching helping hand to the blind and nearly blind children for easy-going life on the one hand and promoting a community eye care on the other. Sight Savers International, Mumbai, a renowned organisation active worldwide to promote eye care has come forward to help in making this book available in Hindi, Bengali and Oriya languages. 

- Excerpt from foreword written by D.P. Poddar, Executive Director, Hesperian Foundation


Original Publisher: 

The Hesperian Foundation,
PO Box -11577
Berkeley California 
94712-2577 USA
Phone: + (510)845-4507 
Fax : + 510-8450539 

Adapted Indian Version by:

West Bengal Voluntary Health Association
19 A, Dr. Sundari Mohan Avenue 
Kolkata 700 014
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91-33-2446754 

Note: Any organisation or person wishing to copy, reproduce or adapt any or all part of the book for the promotion of community eye care and for public welfare without commercial benefit is encouraged to do so, subject to the written permission obtained and acknowledged in the printed copy.

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