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Apprentices (Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC)

Fri, 11/15/2024 - 14:08 -- geeta.nair

Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR)
Railway Recruitment Cell  (RRC)
Station Colony,
Pan Bazar,
Guwahati-781001 (Assam)

Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for complete details visi:
The last date for receipt of applications: 03.12.2024

Centralized notification for engagement of Act Apprentices over N.F Railway for 2023-24 & 2024-25

Railway Reruitment Cell, Northeast Frontier Railway (RRC/NFR) invites online application from eligible candidates for engagement as Act Apprentices .
Post: Apprentices
Trades: Draughtsman(Civil) 
Electronics Mechanic 
Information and Communication Technology System Maintenance 
Mason (Building Constructor) 
Mechanic Diesel 
Mechanic (Refrigeration and Airconditioning)
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance 
Operator Advance Machine Tools 
Sanitary Hardware fitter 
Jigs & Fixtures maker 
Welder (G&E) 
Health Sanitary Inspector 
Secretarial Assistant 

KATIHAR DIVISION (KIR) : 32 for PwD candidates
Low vision Can apply

ALIPURDUAR DIVISION (APDJ) : 17 for PwD candidates
LowVision can apply

RANGIYA DIVISION (RNY) : 17 for PwD candidates
Low Vision can apply

LUMDING DIVISION (LMG): 38 for PwD candidates
Low Vision  can apply

TINSUKIA DIVISION (TSK: 23 for PwD candidates
Low Vision can apply

Low Vision can apply

DIBRUGARH WORKSHOP (DBWS) : 33 for PwD candidates
Low Vision can apply

NFR HQ UNIT (HQ):  26 for PwD candidates
Low Visio can apply

Apprentices will be selected on the basis of unit-wise, trade-wise and community-wise merit position. The merit list for each unit will be based on percentage of marks obtained in Matriculation (with minimum 50% aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done. The final panel will be on the basis of average of marks in matriculation and ITI. 

NOTE: CANDIDATES ARE ALLOWED TO SUBMIT ONLY ONE APPLICATION EACH. Hence, applicants are advised to read the training slots given below vis-a-vis their ITI Trades thoroughly and indicate the Units of their choice in order of preference clearly in their ONLINE applications

Training period: One year
Qualifications: NCVT/SCVT approved trades to be eligible for consideration (in relevant trades)

Age Limit: 15-24 years
Age Relaxation: 10 years 

No fee for PwD candidates.

For the purpose of Visually Handicapped (VI) candidates, definition of VI disabilities is as under: a) Blindness refers to a condition where a person suffers from total absence of sight OR visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/2000 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lens and limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse. b) Low vision (VH) means impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive corrections but the person uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device. 

Candidates should visit and follow the instructions for filling up ONLINE applications available on the website.

DOCUMENTS TO BE UPLOADED Candidates are required to upload legible scanned copies of following documents: (a) Mark sheet and Pass Certificate of Matriculation (Class 10) or its equivalent. (b) Mark sheet and Pass Certificate of Senior Secondary (Class 12) or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Biology for the two categories of Medical Laboratory Technicians. (c) Certificate for proof of date of birth if it is not mentioned in (a) above. (d) Consolidated mark sheet for all ITI semesters of the relevant trade OR Provisional National Trade Certificate indicating marks. (e) National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT or Provisional Trade Certificate issued by NCVT /SCVT. (f) Caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC candidates. (g) Certificate for EWS candidates. (h) Disability certificate, in case of PwBD candidates. (i) Discharge certificate / Serving certificate, in case of candidates applying against ex-Servicemen quota. (j)    Certificate for Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates seeking Fee Exemption. 


Apprentices will be paid monthly stipend as per prescribed rates. 

No hostel accommodation will be provided to apprentices during training and they will have to make their own arrangements. On completion of training, the apprentices will be released. 

No daily allowance/conveyance allowance or travelling allowance will be paid to the candidates called for document verification. 

PwBD means Person with Benchmark Disability and ExSM means Ex-Servicemen. Slots for PwBD and ExSM in the above tables have been included among the total number of seats

The number of training slots shown in this Notification are provisional and the same is liable to increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the Administration at the time of finalization of the select list. 

Candidates need not send any application printouts or certificates or copies to RRC by post. Their candidature will be considered only on the basis of the information furnished in the ONLINE application. 

Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR)
Minimum Education required: 
10th pass to 12th pass
Specialisation required: 
Type of employer: 
Government jobs

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