Ministry of Water Resources
Central Ground Water Board
Mid-Eastern Region, 6th & 7th Floor,
Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Bhawan,
Dak Bungalow, Patna-800001 (Bihar)
Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for further information and application format, kindly refer to the Employment News dated 11 May 2013, page no. 28
The last date of application is 10.06.2013
Applications are invited for recruitment of four temporary but likely to continue, Group-C posts of Compressor Operator in the office of Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, Mid-Eastern Region, 6th & 7th Floor, Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Bhawan, Dak Bungalow, Patna-800001 (Bihar).
Post: Compressor Operator - Group C (Non-Ministerial)
No. of posts: 04, out of which 01 for Partially Blind.
Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade Pay: Rs. 1900/-
Classification: General Central Service
Period of Probation: Two Years
description of duties: The compressor should have
(i) Thorough knowledge of air compressor
(ii) Ensure proper maintenance of compressor related records
(iii) Ensure proper implementation of safety measures during compressor operation.
(iv) Must stay in field and work in shift basis along with rig units.
1. Matriculation from recognised university or equivalent.
2. Three years experience in the operation and maintenance of diesel operated air compressor.
Age: 18-27 years
Place of posting: Anywhere in India
Interested candidates who filfill the above requirements and are willing to serve anywhere in India may apply (through proper channel, if already in Govt. Service) to the Regional Director at the above address furnishing their detail on the prescribed format along with, telephone number if any, email id, if any with attested copies of all certificates and testimonials. The envelop containing the application should be marked as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF COMPRESSOR OPERATOR'.
No TA/DA for attending the interview/trade test will be paid.
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