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FAQ on Banking Facilities


1.  Can a Visually Impaired person open an account in a Bank?
2.  What are the documents required for opening a Bank Account?
The documents required for opening a bank account of a visually impaired person are the same as other customers.

  1. ID Proof (Passport, Aadhar card, Voter id card, Pan card),  
  2. (ii) Address proof, passport size photograph

+ One Introducer which holds the same bank account.
The account has to be clearly marked as "the account holder is visually impaired".
3. Can a Visually Impaired person open a single user account?
He / She must be allowed to open either single user or joint account with others.
A visually impaired customer must not be forced to operate the bank account jointly with any person or in the presence of any person.
4. Can a bank deny cheque book facility to a visually impaired person?

Cheque book facility should not be denied to a visually impaired person. Cheques issued by visually impaired persons to third parties should be honored, if otherwise in order.
5.  Does the bank require a Thumb Impression or Signature?

Banks should not deny any services to any of the visually impaired customers including the visually impaired customers who use their thumb impression for operating the bank account.
5.  Can a visually impaired person avail ATM card facility?
Yes, visually impaired customers must be permitted to avail ATM Card facility. As per the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) circular dated 4th June 2008 and IBA( Indian Banks Association) guidelines dated  18th November 2008, banking facilities are available to visually impaired people on an equal basis.

6. Can a visually impaired person apply for a loan?

Yes, Loans are and must be made available to visually impaired customers as are offered to other customers and their impairment of vision should not be a criterion for sanctioning/denying a loan.
7.  Can a visually impaired person avail locker facility?
Yes, visually impaired customers can avail locker facility on request.

8. What are the locker facilities that are available?
 a. Operation – Single
  b. Operation – Single with the assistance of a reliable person, as per the choice of the Applicant.
  c. Operation - Joint.

A visually impaired customer may request the person in-charge of the locker to be present when the locker is opened or to check if nothing has been left behind or fallen after the locker is closed.
9.  Can a Visually Impaired person avail Net Banking?
Yes, As per IBA guidelines:

All banks must have Accessible websites and confirm to international accessibility standards.
All customer facing applications such as web applications, desktop applications and mobile applications should be accessible to a person with vision impairment.
The banks should have alternate methods of user authentication/password verification.
All features especially those related to customer security must be accessible to visually impaired persons.

10. If a visually impaired / low vision individual is denied banking facilities? Then what measures can he/she take?

If a customer with blindness and low vision is denied any of the banking facilities, then he/she should go through the mentioned steps:

(a) Inform the banking authorities verbally  about your rights for availing any of the banking facilities inspite of your blindness and low vision.
(b) If the work isn’t done, substantiate your argument with RBI circular dated 4th June 2008 and IBA Guidelines dated 18th November 2008 regarding banking services for customers with blindness and low vision. Ideally, these circulars/guidelines should be available with every bank.  
(c) Yet, if the banking authorities deny, get the same in writing from them.
(d) Whether the denial has been in writing or verbal form, move to the nodal officer of bank’s grievance redressal system. The details for making a complaint will be available on the website.
(e) Wait for 3-4 days maximum for the response from the nodal officer.
(f) In case you are dissatisfied with nodal officer’s reply or did not get a reply, after waiting for a month move to the banking ombudsman-the body set up by RBI. Its details can be obtained from RBI’s website.
(h) If you are either dissatisfied or did not get a reply from banking ombudsman, move to Appellate Authority-Deputy Governor of RBI.
(i) If you did not get a proper response from Appellate authority, then you can take the help of law.


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