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BY George

Mon, 07/30/2012 - 14:59 -- admin

an online magazine from

issue 1 (september-october 2004)

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other sections in this issue: focus | perspectives | profile | headlines | forum


When people think of persons with disability, they tend to focus on the disability rather than the person. This tendency to pre-judge a person according to preconceived notions of ability and potential, happens with parents, teachers, even disabled persons themselves. It happens because the focus is on the ‘cannot dos’ rather than the ‘can dos’, because the right information does not reach the right people at the right time.

Project Eyeway, a one-stop information centre on the eye, conceived for visually impaired users, their families, professionals and persons connected with rehabilitation of visually impaired people, tries to bridge this informational gap. The site,, is a comprehensive resource of information, inspiration and inclusion. By making available information connected with the eye and blindness, it seeks to draw persons with visual impairment out of their shell and introduces everybody to a world of wider possibilities, thus involving them all in the mainstream.

The magazine you are viewing`, beyond the I, is yet another tool to reach out to our stakeholders. This bi-monthly publication, like the website, will encourage people to look beyond self-imposed limitations (the eye) and themselves (I).

The critical issue is not being blind or sighted, but the emphasis one puts on chasing dreams and aspirations. The world is full of opportunities for those who seek them out. We will highlight the information that could put things in perspective, unveil opportunities and redefine ‘potential’.

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