Government of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions,
Department of Personnel and Training,
Staff Selection Commission,
Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi –110003
File No. HQ-C11017/2/2024-C-1 [Comp No. 9398
Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for complete details visit
Last date for receipt of online application: 25.08.2024
(Website of the Staff Selection Commission (HQ):
Combined Hindi Translators Examination, 2024
File No. HQ-C11017/2/2024-C-1 [Comp No. 9398]:- The Staff Selection Commission will hold an Open Competitive Computer Based Examination for direct recruitment to Group „B" Non-Gazetted posts of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translation Officer, Junior Translator, Senior Hindi Translator and Senior Translator for various Ministries/Departments/ Organizations of the Government of India.
Junior Translation Officer(JTO) in Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS)
Suitable for Visually Impaired
Pay scale: Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Code: A
Junior Translation Officer(JTO) in Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ)
Pay scale: Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Code: B
Junior Hindi Translator (JHT)/ Junior Translation Officer(JTO)/Junior Translator (JT) in various Central
Government Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations
Pay scale: Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Code: C
Senior Hindi Translator (SHT)/Senior Translator (ST) in various Central Government Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations
Pay scale: Level-7 (Rs.44900- 142400)
Code: D
There are approx. 312 vacancies. However, firm number of vacancies will be determined in due course. Updated vacancies, if any, along with post-wise & category-wise vacancies will be made available on the website of the Commission (> For Candidates > Tentative Vacancy) in due course. Candidates may note that State-wise/ Zone-wise vacancies
are not collected by the Commission.
The posts of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator and Senior Hindi Translator included in this notice of examination have been identified suitable for following disabilities by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), M/o Social Justice and Empowerment vide Notification No. 38-16/2020-DDIII
dated 04.01.2021 and as amended from time to time.
The suitability of posts for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) indicated in the above table shall be subject to exemption, if any, obtained by indenting Ministries/Departments/Organizations including their Attached offices, Subordinate offices and Statutory bodies of the Government of India
Age: 18-30 years
Age relaxation: 10 years for PwD candidates.
Date of Birth filled by the candidate in the online Application Form and the same recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate will be accepted by the Commission for determining the age and no subsequent changes will be accepted or granted.
Candidates with benchmark disabilities (PwBD) may note that they must select the appropriate PwBD category i.e. OH/HH/VH/PwBD-Others, while filling up the application form as per their certificate of disability issued by the competent authority. No subsequent changes of PwBD category will be allowed under any circumstances. Such candidates shall have to furnish the requisite certificate issued by the competent authority as declared in the Application Form when such certificates are sought by concerned User Organizations/Offices at the time of document verification, failing which their candidature will be cancelled. It may be noted that subcategory/sub-categories of disability/disabilities (such as OA, OL, BL, Dw, MI, SLD etc.), as indicated in the Notification No. 38- 16/2020-DD-III dated 04.01.2021 issued by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, should be clearly mentioned by the competent authority issuing the disability certificate. If the candidature of a candidate is cancelled by the User Organization/Offices for non-furnishing of the requisite certificate in support of the PwBD claim then grievances, if any in this regard may be taken up with the User Department. The Commission will not entertain such grievances.
Provision of CompensatoryTime and assistance ofscribe:
In case of persons with benchmark disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arms affected-BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe is provided, if desired by the candidate. Since the posts are not identified suitable for persons with BA disability, therefore facility of scribe will not be admissible to such candidates.
The facility of scribe will also be provided to PwD candidates having disability less than 40% and having difficulty in writing in pursuance to OM No. 29-6/2019-DD-III dated 10.08.2022 issued by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The facility will be provided on production of certificate as per Annexure-IA
The facility of scribe/ passage reader will be provided to a PwBD/PwD candidate only if he/she has opted for the same in the online application form.
The candidate will have the discretion of opting for his/ her own scribe or the facility of scribe provided by the Commission. Appropriate choice in this regard will have to be given by the candidate in the online application form
In case the candidate opts for his own scribe, the qualification of the scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination. The candidates with benchmark disabilities (PwBD) opting for own scribe shall be required to submit details of the own scribe at the time of examination as per proforma at Annexure-II. The candidates with disabilities (PwD) eligible for scribe as per para 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 above
and opting for own scribe shall be required to submit details of the own scribe at the time of examination as per proforma at Annexure-IIA. In addition, the scribe has to produce a valid ID proof [as per list given at para 13.7] in original at the time of examination. A photocopy of the ID proof of the scribe signed by the candidate as well as the scribe will be submitted along with proforma at Annexure-II/Annexure-IIA. If subsequently it is found that the qualification of the scribe is not as declared by the candidate, then the candidate shall forfeit his right to the post and claims relating thereto.
If a candidate opts for his own scribe, in that case, that scribe should not be a candidate of this examination. If at any stage it is found that a candidate has assisted another PwBD/PwD candidate(s) as Scribe in this examination then the candidature of both the candidates will be cancelled.
A compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be provided to the candidates who are allowed use of scribe as described at para 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 above.
The candidates referred to at para 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 above, who are eligible for getting scribe but not availing the facility of scribe will also be given compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination.
No attendant other than the scribe for eligible candidates will be allowed inside the examination hall.
The PwBD/PwD candidates who have availed of the facility of scribes/passage reader and/ or compensatory time must produce relevant documents for the eligibility of scribe/ compensatory time at the time of Document Verification conducted by User Department / Organization or at any other time as may be required. Failure to produce such supporting documents will lead to cancellation of their candidature for the examination.
One eyed candidates and partially blind candidates who are able to read the normal Question Paper set with or without magnifying glass and who wish to write/indicate the answer with the help of magnifying glass will be allowed to use the same in the Examination Hall. Such candidates will have to bring their own magnifying glass to the Examination Hall.
EssentialEducational Qualifications:
For post codes „A‟ to „C‟(Junior Hindi Translator/Junior Translation Officer/Junior Translator):
Master‟s degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;
Master‟s degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;
Master‟s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of a examination at the degree level;
For post codes „D‟ (Senior Hindi Translator/Senior Translator):
Master‟s degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; nation at the degree level;
Master‟s degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;
Applications must be submitted only in online mode at the new website of SSC Headquarters; i.e.,
Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.
Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in India; i.e., the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL).
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