Oil India Limited (OIL)
(A Government of India Enterprise)
P.O. Duliajan, Distt: Dibrugarh
Assam- 786602
Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for complete details visit www.oil-india.com
Last date for receipt of completed application is 06.07.2013
OIL INDIA LIMITED, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking is the pioneer and second-largest national upstream Oil and Gas Company with a pan Indian presence and growing global footprint. OIL is all set to conquer newer horizons of all-round growth and excellence.
It is engaged in Exploration, Production and Transportation of crude oil, natural gas and manufacture of LPG with its field Headquarters at Duliajan, Dist. – Dibrugarh, Assam.
Oil India Ltd. invites applications from Indian Nationals, to fill up the following posts:
1. Post: Manager
Post code: PERS:ML:2013:03
No. of post: 01
Scale of pay: Rs.36600-62000
Age limit: 39 years
Education qualification: Post Graduate degree and LLB with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates)
LLB with 65% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD candidates)
Post qualification experience: Candidate must have experience in legal affairs, litigation, arbitration and conciliation, drafting and vetting of various agreements, handling company laws matters, mergers, acquisition and joint ventures, regulatory aspects of the hydrocarbon sector, handling PSC & JoA, CA, Share purchase agreement, due diligence activities, familiarity with labor/industrial laws, etc.
2. Post: Senior legal officer
Post Code: PERS:SLO:2013:04
No. of post: 02
Scale of pay: Rs.32900- 58000
Age limit: 34 years
Education qualification: Post Graduate degree and LLB with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD Candidates)
LLB with 65% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD candidates)
Post qualification experience: Candidates must have experience of practicing in any District Courts (or any equivalent courts/tribunals) and/or High Court/Supreme Court. Candidates should have experience in drafting /scrutinizing/vetting various legal documents viz. plaints, written statements/affidavit-in-opposition, affidavits, deeds, agreements, contracts, indemnity bonds, bank guarantees, collaboration agreements, lease deed etc. Candidates should have experience in matters relating to Arbitration & Conciliation and dealing in Civil/ Industrial Commercial/Criminal/Taxation/Excise/Customs/ Labor / Property/Cyber/Mines Act/Environment/Service matter cases either independently or under Senior Lawyers and rendering legal opinion/advice on various matters.
Age limit is relaxable by 05 (five) years in case of SC/ST candidates, 03 (three) years in case of OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates and 10 (ten) years in case of candidates belonging to Persons with Disabilities (PWD)- Unreserved (UR) category, 13 (thirteen) years for PWD- OBC (NCL) category and 15 (fifteen) years for PWD- SC/ST category.
The posting of the selected candidates can be in any of the operational areas/offices of OIL as per requirements of the company. The services are also transferable as per requirement of the company.
The categories of disability for which reservation will be applicable for PWD category candidates in
identified posts are :
Blindness or low vision;
Hearing impairment;
Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy
Persons with 40% or more disability only would be eligible for the benefit of reservation to PWD category against identified posts only.
Candidates fulfilling the above criteria may take a print out of the application form given below and fill up the form in capital letters.
The completed application form along with a recent passport size photograph enclosing attested copies (attested by Gazzetted Officer) of certificates and mark sheets in support of (in the sequence)
Qualification, Age, Caste (if applicable), Experience (if applicable) etc., should be duly marked / Highlighted and sent by
‘ordinary post’ only to the following address:
The completed application form along with the relevant documents should be sent to the above address though ordinary post in anenvelope superscribed with the Post Code applied for.
Candidates applying for more than one post must apply separately for each post.
For any queries please contact us at pers@oilindia.in
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