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New audio chat site for visually impaired netizens

Mon, 07/30/2012 - 17:14 -- admin; June 30, 2005

VIP Conduit Inc. has created a new audio chat site for blind and visually impaired users, as well their friends and family.

VIP Conduit aims to provide an avenue for relaxed conversation and discussion of topics of interest, as well as to allow the sharing of knowledge and experience with one another. It hopes to serve as a conduit for the blind community on the Internet, thus providing a bridge to keep us all connected.

Go to the home page – – then click on the Join Us link. When you do that you will be able to read the Policy Statement. If you want to go ahead, then continue on to fill out the application and become a part of VIP Conduit’s exciting new community.

VIP Conduit will initially be using a Ventrilo server while the Webmaster works on creating its chat client.

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