Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
‘Urjanidhi’ 1 Barakhamba Lane,
New Delhi-110 001.
Website: www.pfcindia.com
Recruitment Advertisement No: 02/2013
Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for complete details visit www.pfcindia.com or refer to the Emloyment News dated 1 June 2013, page no. 3
Closing date for On-line Registration of application: 17.06.2013
PFC is looking for dynamic, committed and self motivated professionals in the following areas for its wholly owned subsidiarycompany Power Finance Corporation Green Energy Limited (PFCGEL):
Post: Officer (Legal)
No. of post: 01 for PwD (VH/OH/HH)
Scale of pay: Rs. 24900-50500
Qualification: LLB (3 Yrs.) (Min. 50% marks) (or) 5 year Integrated Law Course. (Min. 50% marks).
Experience: Min. 2 year post qualification experience.
Must have experience in Drafting/vetting/execution of legal documents of project financing, carrying out diligence of project/ Promoters/contracts/title search of properties. Handling cases in DRT/Civil/Criminal Courts, arbitration proceedings would be an added advantage.
Maximum age limit 30 years.
The reserved category candidates are required to submit the caste/PWD certificate(s) in prescribed format of Government of India, issued by the competent authority, in support of their claim. In addition, the OBC-NCL (OBC-Non Creamy layer) candidates will be required to submit a valid caste certificate in the prescribed format applicable for the purpose of reservation in appointment to posts under Government of India/Central Government Public Sector Undertaking as contained in DOPT Memo No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09-93 from a Competent Authority.
Further the OBC-NCL candidates will have to give a self-undertaking, at the time of Personal Interviews if called for, indicating that they belong to OBC-Non Creamy Layer.
If the SC/ST/OBC/PWD certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Hindi, then the candidates will be required to submit a self certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
Single to and fro fare as per Corporation?s rule will be paid to outstation candidates called for interview on production of proof orticket number.
How to Apply:
Eligible applicants would be required to Register and Apply Online through PFC's website i.e. www.pfcindia.com from 1000 hours on 21.05.2013 to 1700 hours on 17.06.2013.
Candidates are required to take printout of the system generated Registration-cum-Application form and send the same along with the self attested photo copies of proof of date of birth, qualifications, experience, category and last emoluments drawn by Post, in a cover superscribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………………… GRADE…….., Application No……………” addressed to “The Senior Manager (HR), Power Finance Corporation Limited, 1, Urjanidhi, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001”.
A recent passport size photograph must be affixed on the Registration-cum-Application form.
Application fee: No fee for SC/ST/PwD candidates.
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