Listening to music, reading DAISY books
No. | Product | Summary | Rating |
1 | Complete Reading System |
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2 | Daisy player with Plextalk Vachak (Hindi TTS) |
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3 | Dolphin EasyProducer | EasyProducer converts standard Word files into DAISY digital talking books (synchronised audio and text) that can be searched and navigated. |
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4 | Dolphin EasyReader | EasyReader is a software digital talking book player, allowing the user to read and listen to content through a combination of text, audio and images. |
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5 | Dolphin Publisher | Dolphin Publisher is the premier tool for the creation of DAISY digital talking books (synchronised audio and text) that can be searched and navigated. |
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6 | Galileo Reading Machine |
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7 | HAL Screen Reader |
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8 | HV Player |
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10 | HVPro Player | This new upgrade text player HV Pro Daisy Player inherits the old version text player' s features such as excellent audio quality, smooth text reading ability and so on. |
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