Magnification to supplement low vision
No. | Product | Summary | Rating |
51 | Optelec Compact 7 HD | The first high definition handheld video magnifier with a large 7-inch widescreen! |
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52 | Optelec Compact+ | Optelec Compact+ portable video magnifier is designed for the benefit of people with low vision due to macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa or old age. |
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53 | Optelec Twinview | Enjoy Split-Screen in glorious HD and never lose sight of the mouse pointer! |
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54 | Optima Distance Viewing Glasses | These hand-free head mounted glasses provide a useful 2.1X magnification for distance viewing |
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55 | Pico |
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56 | Prisma Magnifier | The Prisma is a full color reading device that offers the user a flexible way to read, write and look at photographs and other things that need to be magnified. It offers variable magnification and a full color, magnified image is displayed on a standard television. |
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57 | Readit Scholar HD | Readit Scholar HD is our latest portable Autoreader / CCTV system. Weighing just 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs) it is the ideal solution for users on the go. As well as full close up and distance CCTV functionality, Readit Scholar HD has the unique ability to capture both closeup (up to A3 or double Letter in size) and distant objects. Any text can then be automatically scrolled on screen andread aloud in seconds! |
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58 | Readit Scholar HD |
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59 | Ruby Hand Held Video Magnifier | For persons with low vision, traditional magnifying glasses work only up to a point beyond which the images get distorted and unreadable. The solution to this situation is a Hand Held Video Magnifier! |
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60 | Sapphire | Portable Video Magnifier |
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