Reading mobile phone's screen
No. | Product | Summary | Rating |
1 | 6 by 6 - A toolkit of solutions for the blind and people with visual impairment | Launch of 6 by 6 - A toolkit of solutions for the blind and people with visual impairment |
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2 | Accessible Reader | Accessible Reader is a reading application for android platform. It supports Hindi, English and other Indian regional languages. With the help of this application you will be able to read your txt, rtf, doc, docx & PDF files with complete navigation. |
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3 | Accessible Reader for Android | the ebook reading app “Accessible Reader” is now being provided free of cost by Amway Opportunity Foundation. It is the world’s only accessible ebook reading software with all the navigation features which is available free of cost. Please download the same from playstore. |
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4 | Blaze EZ Multi-Player & OCR Device | Blaze EZ Multi Player & OCR Device from HIMS International is now available in India. |
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5 | CANDY 4 HD Handheld Video Magnifier | HIMS International is the manufacturer of the CANDY 4 HD MAGNIFIER |
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6 | CANDY5 HD II | CANDY5 HD has been revised and reborn with a new name, CANDY5 HD II |
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7 | Mobile Speak 4.5 |
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