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Like other serviceslist of Accessible Talking ATMs is also available online. At present Talking ATMs search database contains total 4345 Talking ATMs. You can search ATM within your locality through the following link:
Special Schools
Special Schools, as the name suggest is a school designed for children with special educational needs. These needs can be braille books, computers with screen readers, deaf interpreters or even quite simply more accessible infrastructure for wheelchair users. Such institutions cater only to children with disabilities. To locate a Special School for visually impaired children anywhere in India and to learn more about the services they offer click the link above.
Integrated Schools
Inclusive Schools
Pre School Programs
NGOs Facilitating Inclusive Education
Reading Resources Distribution Service
Reading Resources Production Service
Hospitals for Eyecare
Low vision Centres
Rehab Conselling Services
Accessibility Consultancy web/Software
Accessibility Consultancy Built Infrastructure
Legal/ advocacy services
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