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Admissions in DU for PwDs from 28 May to 8 June 2011

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 16:41 -- admin

This year the admission for students with disabilities to under graduate courses in Delhi University will be conducted during 28 may to 8 June 2011. This is significantly different from the schedules of previous years when the admissions used to be conducted during 1 to 15 June.

The admission process of PwDs is conducted centrally. They do not need to go to the different colleges. They just need to walk in to the DSW office near University Main Gate, Delhi 7 with their 12th certificates and disability certificates.

Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) volunteers will help fill out the form wherein they have to give their choices of colleges and courses. They are informed about the course availability and also given counselling wherever required for choosing an appropriate course.

All the information is made available in Braille, talking book and e-text format. Sign language interpreters are always available at the venue.

EOC bus is available for free pick up from nearest Metro and Bus stops.

Please pass on this information to people who are seeking admission to DU. They may also contact EOC on phone number 27662602 for further assistance.

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