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Blind skateboarder Dan Mancina is dramatically changing perceptions regarding disability!

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 16:37 -- koshy.mathew@ey...

Skateboarding requires truckloads of nerves, coordination, and agility. So, imagine the level of skill and confidence a visually impaired person would need on a skateboard! Which is what makes Dan Mancina such a remarkable guy.

Mancina was 13 years old when he was diagnosed with a retinal degenerative disease. At the age of 22, he lost his vision completely and almost gave up on his passion to skateboard.

Mancina has been skateboarding since he was seven, but he thought that the rapid onset of blindness would mean he would be forced to give it up.

He managed to get back on showing plenty of courage over time. In the initial days after he went blind, Mancina struggled with depression. However, with training, he was able to regain his confidence.

Mancina says getting back on my board gave him the ability to have confidence in his blindness and to express himself again.

Mancina is active on Instagram where he has shared photos of himself cross-country skiing, chopping firewood, and riding roller-coasters. His Instagram account is poignantly accompanied by the tagline blind and changing how people see.

Videos of him are shared widely online and just recently, skating legend Tony Hawk shared his admiration for Mancina's achievements.

Mancina hopes to one day build a skate park designed for blind people

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