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CBSE Board exams: Maximum registered students from Delhi

Mon, 03/05/2018 - 10:48 -- geeta.nair

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board exams for Class 10 and 12 are slated to begin on March 5. Delhi has the highest number of registered students, also maximum in the differently abled category, attempting the exams this year. This, despite the number of students registered for the board exams dropping from 2017.

The total number of students who had registered for the Class 10 exams in the country has fallen by around 30,000 students, but the number for Class 12 has increased by about 10,000. In Delhi, however, the number of students registered for Class 12, and Class 10 exams have fallen even more drastically, with a drop of around 80,000 in the 10th board exam registrations.

Delhi government and government-aided schools had around 1.74 lakh students for the 10th board exam in 2017. In 2018, the number has dropped to approximately 1.55 lakh. For Class 12, the number dropped from 1.39 lakh in 2017 to around 1.29 lakh in 2018.

Saumya Gupta, the director of education, pointed out that compared to private schools, the drop in government and government-aided schools was less, as among the private schools the number had dropped by around 63,000 for Class 10 students.

Delhi will also have the largest number of differently abled students attempting the exams this year for both Class 10 and 12. Among Class 10 Delhi students, dyslexia is the most common, and visual impairment is the most common for Class 12 students.

According to the CBSE, differently abled students may be given different provisions, including a possible scribe, extra time, exemption from the requirement to have a third language, a relaxation in the number of subjects they need to attempt, use of computers, a reader, and a relaxation of mandatory attendance policy, based on their requirements.

There will be 304 and 328 centres where the Class 10 and Class 12 students respectively can write the board exams.

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