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District library to get funds under central scheme

Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:38 -- geeta.nair

For improvement of infrastructure

The District Central Library in the city will soon get funding under the National Mission on Libraries, an initiative of the Union government, for improving infrastructure.

Disclosing this here on Sunday, A.P.Sivakumar, District Library Officer, said Rs. 70 lakh had been sanctioned under the programme. Of the total funding, 75% would be contributed by the Centre and the rest by the State government.

A conference hall would be established at the library under the initiative, apart from taking up some outreach programmes. Besides, assistive devices for persons with disabilities would also be acquired.

Earlier, speaking at the inauguration of a training programme on Access and Use of Digital Talking Book for Visually Impaired, organised by the District Central Library and Rotary Club of Tiruchi Elite, Mr.Sivakumar pointed out that the library had taken up various initiatives to impart necessary skills and encourage youth and persons with disabilities. The library would extend all necessary support for persons with disabilities, he said.

G. Kumaresan, the resource person of the training, said the latest technologies and tools such as Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY), a technical standard for digital audio books, periodicals and computerised text, Bookshare, an online library for people with print disabilities, and Plextalk, a DAISY player, would help visually impaired persons acquire necessary knowledge and skills.

DAISY is designed to be a complete audio substitute for print material and for use by people with print disabilities, including blindness, impaired vision, and dyslexia.The training was meant to help visually impaired persons to learn how to access the tools and make effective use of them for their personal advancement, he said.

A.P.Rameshbabu, President, Rotary Club of Tiruchi Elite, and others spoke.


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