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EmployABILITY 2023

Wed, 08/30/2023 - 11:46 -- geeta.nair

Greetings from the Ability Foundation! 
As you know, Ability Foundation is a national cross disability umbrella organization headquartered in Chennai, where the core areas of involvement are advocacy, empowerment, equitable opportunities, inclusion, information dissemination and public policy.  Towards this, the Foundation's activities cover a wide range from publishing, employment, media, culture, legislation, human rights and implementation of policy. 
Equitable employment opportunity is something that worries most of us. And towards this we at Ability Foundation have just announced EmployABILITY 2023, the pioneering job fair for qualified persons with disabilities, to be held in Chennai on Monday, 9 October 2023. You are sure to agree that the more graduates with disabilities who avail of this opportunity they stand to reap the benefit of gainful employment. 
We look to you to reach out to as many worthy candidates with disability as possible from across the country. Both recruiters and jobseekers can be a part of 
this job fair by registering at


Registration is free, but compulsory. 
Please find attached the poster of EmployABILITY2023. We request you to disseminate the above information as widely as possible.


Type of Service: 
Service Offered since: 
Trainings Covered: 
Eligibity Criteria: 
Persons with Disabilities
Established Date: 

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