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Ensure jobs for teachers with disabilities’

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 10:56 -- geeta.nair

Disability rights organisation urges CM

A disability rights organisation has urged the Chief Minister to ensure jobs in government aided schools for persons with disabilities who have qualified as teachers. In a letter to the Chief Minister, the Tamil Nadu Association for the Rights of All Types of Differently Abled and Caregivers, had said that there were 350 teachers with disabilities who were jobless for the last four years. S. Nambu Rajan, organisation’s general secretary said, “All of them have cleared the Teachers Eligibility Test as well as the special test hfor persons with disabilities. But they have not got jobs still,”

He further said that the letter had demanded jobs at government aided schools under the 4% reservation for disabled candidates as specified in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. “Most aided schools do not have teachers with disabilities. Even if every school hired one teacher with disability, many would be able to get jobs. Their TET certification will expire in seven years ,” Mr. Nambu Rajan said. He said they had met the school education secretary on Tuesday who had assured them to follow it up. A copy of the letter had been sent to the School Education Minister, the State Commissioner for Disabled and the secretaries of the school education and differently abled welfare departments.

Protest planned

Meanwhile, the organisation members staged a protest at the State Commissioner of Differently Abled’s office demanding disability pension for a family whose son was mentally retarded.

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