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Fatima Soriano- Living with blindness for a purpose - Interview by Monalinda Cadiz


Blind-at-birth Fatima Soriano from the Philippines was only 9 years old when her kidneys stopped functioning. Even then, it was clear to her that she was born for a purpose. The young girl believes on a higher being that is in control of all life, someone bigger than her current circumstance or the challenges she will ever face. 
“Gratitude is the best attitude. I always choose to be thankful for everything and everyone, anything and anyone that comes. Success or setbacks, fulfillment or failures, even mistakes….when you are in a constant state of gratefulness, nothing can or will really shake you that much anymore, because you are aware of the fact that there is something greater than you….a force beyond your control that…reminds you that nothing and no one in this life is really under your control. Stop expecting and start accepting. That's how we accomplish what needs to be accomplished and do what needs to be done.” Thus says Fatima, now 22 year-old after a successful kidney transplant 11 years ago.
Seemingly providential, it was when she was suffering from her kidney disease that opportunities to fulfill what would eventually be her life’s mission opened up for her. One night, when she phoned-in through an inspirational radio show she liked listening to as she waited for her late night dialysis session, the wisdom of Fatima was first heard on-air. The message of hope by the young blind woman now reaches and inspires many through radio, television and personal appearances. Over the past years, she made a name for herself as a recording artist cum composer of religious songs, a national radio show host, a motivational speaker, and there are also accounts she has the gift of healing. She has received various awards for her work, the most especial for her was the highest award given by the Catholic Church.      
Following is a glimpse into the beautiful mind of this blind young woman, who seems to be seeing more of the light than most.

How did you cope with your struggles?

Most of the once I face are struggles regarding my health….In 2003, I was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. This is when your kidneys can no longer support your body's needs. So I needed to go through a treatment called a peritoneal dialysis….We did that for 10 ½ months. It was a struggle both financially and emotionally for our family. For me, it was also mostly a struggle physically, because of the many restrictions….
But how did we cope? God. Hope, Trust. Faith. For financial needs? We prayed. He provides. Pain because of the treatment or other reasons? I prayed. He heals. My parents, sister and I hold hands and just talk to God, put our faith and hope in Him, and suddenly, before we know it, before we even start to worry or think about it, all is well. He made things well.
In 2004, I had a very successful kidney transplant…. my new kidney has been with me now for 11 years….I had a kidney donor. We are not related, but our compatibility was astounding. We were 90% matched! Almost like the kidney had been donated by my parents or my sister themselves, according to the doctors!

Where do you get your support when you are faced with challenges?

My family and our very good, exceptional, true friends. When people remark about how strong my faith is, how joyful and positive I am, I always tell them that it's not just me….I draw it from those people. Their love, concern, support, words of encouragement, but most of all, their actions, are the definition of a "Miracle" for me….It's pretty hard to be sad or stay down with people like that around!
They all had different roles in molding me. From the little things, like how to go about the house and do things on my own…to the big ones, like how to deal with other kids in school who have a hard time trying to understand my condition….
I have met people who are also visually-challenged and quickly became great friends with them. As for the rest, they come from all walks of life, really….priests, parents, fellow youth, students, teachers, doctors, drivers, helpers, office staff we've met...the people in our lives are our biggest blessings in this world, never to be brushed aside, never to be taken for granted.

What assistive devices are useful for you?

Aside from Braille, I use my talking laptop, a computer installed with screenreaders like Jaws and NVDA, to help me with my everyday stuff-searching, net-browsing, and, like right now, typing. This really helps me a lot, especially when I need to memorize something, like a speech or a song, or when I need to read up on an article to prepare for something. I can do all that on my own now, with a bit less help from my mom….We had a tutor come over our house…for a few months to teach me, and now I'm glad I learned!

What is your life philosophy?

“Never doubt in the DARK what God told you in the LIGHT”…by V. Raymond Edman.
I sincerely believe that whether you are blind or not, whether you are experiencing trials in your life or are living comfortably…God's love never changes. There will always be twists and turns in this journey of life, but even if everything shifts, tumbles or falls, the Lord's love never, never changes.
Pray, pray, pray. Pray about everything, worry about nothing. I cannot stress that enough. Prayer, humility, acceptance and perseverance. Plus hard and honest work, definitely. Those are the true keys….and live in the present, in the moment, in the here and now. Because if you think about it; that is the only certainty we really have in this life!

How does your spiritual faith figure in the way you live your life?

I honestly consider my faith to be something that is not just a part of me…but the core part of me; my center….
My Mama and Papa…are very prayerful, faithful people….they have taught me every single thing there is to know about God and our Faith. How to pray, how much God loves you, why you must always remember and come to God, etc. From the moment I was old enough to talk, walk, play, they brought me to the church for the Holy Mass.
So basically, I'd simply say that I'd be nothing without my faith and beliefs. Because of them, I am able to live my life without worrying too much or fearing too much….I absolutely doubt that I'd be anywhere I am today without God!

What are your major accomplishments?

I wouldn't necessarily call them 'accompllishments', rather opportunities to completely and effectively be a vessel of God's Word and Love. One that still leaves me in awe to this day was when I was handpicked by the Archbishop of Manila…to be the recipient of the Pope John Paul II Award in the 2013 Catholic Mass Media Awards….given to those who use their media apostolate to spread God's Message….I couldn't believe that with the work I was doing for Him, there had been an impact, a change, and that God has fulfilled his purpose….
I have recorded six inspirational albums and…seven songs all in all to compose for three of them….as a part of our mission, we do go both out and around the Philippines doing concerts-for-a-cause, giving inspirational messages….Meeting other people, talking about God to them, singing for them, and praying both for them and with them. It's one of the best parts of it; to be able to do this kind of work that's both fulfilling and joy-giving at the same time... it's such a blessing!

Has anyone come up to you to say you’ve influenced them?

They tell me things like, "Your words really inspired me and gave me hope." Or, "That  song you sang and the way you sang it really touched me"….I tell them how happy I am that I am doing my work for God accordingly. I tell them that my words are not my own, that my voice is but a gift from God, to be used as a tool to spread His Glory, and that all the praise go to Him alone, because I am but His lowly instrument….

What is your message to others living with blindness?

You are what and who God says you are. You have what God says you have. You can be what God says you can be. You can do what God says you can do….God sees you, he hears you, he knows you more than you know yourself. So if he says this or that about you, then that's it. It's the only truth. No one in this world can ever disprove God.
Blind or not, you are God's child. Never, ever forget that and never let anyone make you forget that. You were born for a reason, everything happens for a reason. You were born to please God and God alone, not this ever-changing, ever-judging world. You were born to follow God and His Will, not the crowd. You were born for God's dream for you, not this world's, so follow your heart, follow your dream, for these will lead you to follow God's dream for you.

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