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Lino Awomi- visually challenged singer

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:32 -- admin

Meet Lino Awomi, 19 years old girl, who was born blind, from Usotomi village under Zunheboto district, went on to become one of the visually challenged singers out of the dark.  Reaching beyond the limitations, to show her inner strength she boldly said that her aim in life is to become a music director. No obstacle too hard, for this ambition to overcome presently she started music class on piano and vocal.

Interacting with the media she narrated all about her life that when she was 7 years old she could identified the different colours red, yellow, blue and pink, but after medicating with an eye drops she could not differentiate anything except the shadow.

“Being blind I am not sad, because God is with me and I am not being disqualified from having access to every aspect of my life,” she said.

There are so many opportunities in life, being challenged she can play piano, sing, can operate the computer, can identified the alphabet on the cell phone and can even send sms to her friends. She did her schooling at Jyoti-Niketun Blind School at Guwahati. Presently she is staying at Thehekhu Village, Dimapur. She had so many engagements, but in her part time she gives music classes to some children.

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