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The man who swims with sharks

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 10:18 -- admin

He boldly went where no man has gone before and made history. Dan Barrett is the first blind diver ever to dive in the aquarium at Minneapolis' Mall of America.

"This isn't really about the diving as much as it is about giving a disabled individual, an experience that can empower them to do other things," Barrett said. "It's not about getting into the water. It's about elevating your spirit. It's about taking you to a new level."

Barrett was terrified and with good reason. "We were in the salt water tank with 27 sharks," said ‘DiveHeart Founder’ Jim Elliott. DiveHeart is an organisation that helps disabled divers discover underwater adventure.Barrett would have never thought of doing it until he met Elliott. Elliott has a blind daughter and didn't want her or any other disabled person to feel limited by their condition, so he founded DiveHeart to create possibilities for those with disabilities.

Meanwhile, Dan Barrett is one of several people who will appear in a History Channel project about people with disabilities.

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