Current Style: Standard

Current Size: 100%

Narenderpur cane

Visual Impairment Level: 
Low to Zero Vision

Narenderpur Canes are Aluminium Folding strong canes suitable for roget use. The white shaft, which is 45" long is covered with reflector tape for night visibility.


  1. The stick is in four sections joined to each other by braided rubber cord. 
  2. The outside diameter is .500" having a wall thickness of 1/16", length - 44"/46", and weight - 250 gms. 
  3. The handle of the stick is Polythene moulded. 
  4. The bottom section is covered with a red polythene jacket to indicate the special type of stick used by the visually handicapped. It has a nylon tip.
Rupees 130
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Available in India: 

Ramakrishna Mission Blind Boys' Academy

PO Narendrapur

South 24-Parganas


Kolkata 700 103

West Bengal

Phone: +91-33-24772201

Fax: +91-33-24772070

Dealer in India: 


Dealer State
Saksham Trust Delhi

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