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Need for inclusive education system

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 15:17 -- admin

At least 15 children suffering from various disabilities narrated the problems faced by them in pursuing education in Delhi during a ‘jan sunvai' (people's hearing) organised by Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights and NGO Aarth Astha here recently. A number of parents and eminent people also spoke about the issue at large. The meeting lamented that “barriers for inclusive education exist at different levels and discrimination of children with disabilities is widespread among families, communities, education system and policies and programmes”.

The aim of the public hearing was to draw attention to the plight of children with disabilities in the education system in Delhi. It also sought to facilitate dialogue between citizens with disabilities, their families, civil society and the government and to disseminate information on the status of enforcement of the Right to Education Act for children with disabilities.

“A number of children spoke about problems in acquiring disability certificates. They said these are issued at three or four hospitals after examination of the child by a panel of doctors which decides the percentage of disability. It was demanded that this panel meet more often,” said a DCPCR spokesperson.

Two children who are wheelchairs users also narrated their woes. “While new schools are disabled friendly, many of the old ones still lack basic features and children face problems in attending classes on the higher floors,” the spokesperson said.

During the meeting, DCPCR member Shashank Shekhar recommended that campaigns be carried out in schools on positive inclusion in collaboration with Aarth Astha as there is need for sensitisation at a larger level.

National RTE Forum Convenor Ambarish Rai opined that children with disability have the right to education and it is important to include them in the larger campaign on RTE Act. He also demanded a political mobilisation on the issue.

Social jurist and senior advocate Ashok Aggarwal spoke about the need for a larger movement to take the issue forward.

National Trust Chairperson Poonam Natarajan demanded that curriculum in schools be made flexible so that it accommodates all children. She also said that the provisions of the RTE Act need to be utilised for the education of children with disabilities which can be done through sensitisation of teachers and school authorities.

Advocate and education activist Roma Bhagat shared her apprehension on the extent of awareness on the RTE Act among people. She suggested the use of audio visual media for spreading awareness as education is the right of every child.

Sudhesh Mukhopadyay, retired professor and head of the Department of Inclusive Education at National University of Educational Planning and Administration, NUEPA, suggested proper planning within the education system for inclusion of children with disabilities. She said without this various issues could not be resolved.

Officials from the Delhi Government's Education Department promised to work more comprehensively on inclusive education.

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