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Professor shows the vision to make way for job to the hearing impaired

Fri, 07/14/2017 - 10:31 -- geeta.nair

COIMBATORE: Even as the State government has ordered a vigilance probe on the recent recruitment done by the Bharathiar  University, a visually challenged Assistant Professor at the Social Work department of the University, resigned saying it should have been reserved for a hearing impaired. He added he did not want to continue in a post that belongs to someone else.

P Ven­­ka­t­e­s­an, who was appointed in November 2016, has sent copy of his re­signation letter to the HoD FX Lo­­­v­e­l­ina Little Flower, as per the university rules. The varsity is yet to accept his resig­na­tion.

“He had not reported for work for the past two days,” said Vice-Cha­n­c­e­llor A Ga­­­n­a­pathy.  “He has sent copy of his re­­s­i­g­nation to the HoD.  I’m yet to receive it.”

“We wanted to give the post to a visually challenged person, so that he can work for that section of society,” the VC said justifying his appointment.

Association of University Teachers former general secretary C Pichandy said it is unfortunate. “Even in the Teachers Recruitment Board hiring, these posts are reserved specific­a­lly for visual, hearing or orthopedically impaired.”



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