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A life changing connect!

Twenty-three-year-old Mohammad Arif Khan was born in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh into a middle income family. At the age of three, Arif suffered from a fever which resulted in loss of vision. Two of his siblings also have low vision

Due to the frequent visits to doctors and hospitals, Arif could never really focus on his education. His parents were keen on restoring his deteriorating eyesight. As a result, he could only study till Class 6 and then he dropped out of school.

It was a couple of years ago when he came in touch with the Eyeway Helpdesk that Arif set foot on a new life journey. In regular interactions with the counselor, he learned about various aspects of living life with blindness. He found out about the need for creating a Unique Disability ID which would allow him to avail several benefits and state sponsored provisions.

He managed to get the UDID and a railway concession card which helped ease his financial burden on the family. He was keen on learning about training programs that could help him become employable. The Eyeway counselor guided Arif to enroll for a computer training course using screen reading software at National Association of Blind, Mumbai. Here he would also learn to read and write in Braille and acquire English communication skills.
Arif has also been recommended to pick up where he left off and restart his education. He will enroll for Class X through distance learning. This will make him eligible for employment opportunities in both government and private sector.
Happy with his progress, Arif is glad that he connected with Eyeway!
Team Eyeway


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