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Students to record study material for blind

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 17:23 -- admin

A group of students have come forward to record in audio form the entire syllabi of Class VIII to XII for the benefit of blind.

We4You, a voluntary organization of students across the state, will start recording the syllabi from April 10 in a studio here, said Abhay Kumar Mahanata, chairman of We4You and a student of Gandhi Engineering College.

"Blind students are very good listeners. If they listen to the study materials it will be easier for them to recall. It will help them in their studies, apart from the Braille method," Sahoo said.

Besides, compact discs, We4You will also distribute DVD players and headsets among students. In the first phase, the recorded study materials will be donated to visually- challenged students in Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. Subsequently, We4You plans to extend it to other parts in the state, he said.

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