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Temporal Arteritis can lead to blindness

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:01 -- admin

Both Dorris Treber and Rev. Robert Hoffman of, Niles and South bend, respectively, were experiencing weird aches and pains in the jaws, shoulders, headache and a bulging, tender blood vessel in the forehead. But it wasn't until they developed vision problems and went to their eye doctors who diagnosed them with temporal arteritis, a dangerous inflammation of the arteries in the face which could lead to blindness.

Temporal arteritis occurs almost exclusively in people older than 60. The body's own immune cells attack the inner layer of the walls of the blood vessels. Vision is often harmed when blood flow is shut down to artery supplying parts of the eye or the optic nerve. The harm done to a person's vision vary depending on which part of the eye has lost its blood supply, just as stroke symptoms vary based on where in the brain the stroke occurred.

The treatment includes high dosage of steroids, which controls inflammation and stops further damage. “But no treatment restores the vision already lost,” says Dr. Steve Gerber, an ophthalmologist.

Robert Hoffman was given huge doses of Prednisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that resulted in swelling and pain in his feet and legs. But the treatment did save his vision. "I still read and write at my computer'' said, Hoffman.

Trebers’ condition stabilised after the treatment, but she no sight in one eye and had low vision in the other. "I try not to let it get me down,'' said Treber.

According to Dr. Eggenberger, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist, with special expertise in the disease;Earlier diagnosis is critical to preventing not only blindness, but strokes as well. While most symptoms -- headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle aches, scalp tenderness -- are vague, jaw pain is an important clue that should make doctors and dentists at least consider arteritis.

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