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Microsoft Word step-by-step: Advanced formatting

Mon, 07/23/2012 - 17:03 -- admin

The second part and the final step by step guide, on how to begin using MS-Word.

About character formatting                        

It refers to changing the appearance of the characters. Characters include all alphabets, numbers, and punctuation marks etc. Character formatting includes

size, styles, colour of the characters. A set of all characters of a particular appearance is called FONT. There are numerous fonts that can be used on

the computer such as TIMES NEW ROMAN, ARIEL, UNIVERSE, GARAMOND, and COURIER etc. The default font in MS WORD is TIMES NEW ROMAN but it can be replaced

with a font of your choice. The size of the characters is measured in POINTS. 72 POINTS are equal to one inch; therefore, one POINT is equal to 1/72 of

an inch. The normal font size in office communication is 12 points.


• Changing the Font, Font Size, and Other Formats: Select the text you want to format. Go to the FORMAT menu, press enter on FONT. Alternatively you could

press CONTROL + D. The font dialog box opens. It has the following fields.

• Font type: There is a list of all the fonts installed on the computer. This is an EDIT COMBO box, therefore, the desired font can either be selected by

using the arrow keys or by typing its name in this field.

• Font style: It has choices regular, Bold, italics and bold italics.

• Font size: Select sizes 8 to 72 using the ARROW keys. A size which does not appear in the combo box can be directly typed over here. WORD allows font

sizes 1 to 1638.

• Font Colour: Select a colour using arrow keys and press Enter.

• Underline style: There are various choices for how text should be underlined. The default setting is for single line and it is the style normally used.

The other options available are DOTTED LINE, WAVY LINE, DOUBLE LINE, WORDS ONLY and THICK LINE.

• Strike through and double strike through check boxes: This is used for striking out or cutting out one option. For example if somewhere it is written

Father/Husband's name and you want to strike out husbands name then select this word and check the check box using spacebar and do OK. Note that striking

out text is different from deleting it. When strike out the text does appear on the screen but crossed with a line.

• Superscript: Text written slightly above the normal level is called superscript. For example in case of 1st ST should be superscript. To do this select

st and check this checkbox and do OK.

• Subscript: Text written slightly below the normal level is called subscript as in case of H2O. To make 2 subscript select 2 and check this check box.

• Shadow Check Box: It adds a shadow beneath and behind the text.

• Outline Check Box: It displays the inner and outer border of the selected text.

• Embossed Check Box: Makes the text appear raised of the page.

• Engraved Check Box: Makes the text appear as if pressed into the page.

• Small Caps Check Box: It formats all selected lower case letters as capital letters and reduces their size. It does not effect the numbers, upper case

letters and punctuation marks.

• All Caps Check Box: This option formats selected lower case letters as upper case letters but it does not affect their size.

• Hidden Check Box: It prevents selected text from being displayed or printed. If subsequently needed the text can be displayed and printed by checking

the HIDDEN check box on the VIEW and PRINT tab pages of the OPTIONS dialog box respectively. The OPTIONS dialog box opens from the TOOLS menu.

• Default Button: After making appropriate choices of FONT, STYLE, SIZE CHARACTER, SPACING & TEXT EFFECTS in the dialog box. The appearance of the font

can be set as default by activating this button.

• OK & CANCEL button: These buttons are used to apply or cancel the effects of the changes made in the dialog box respectively.


• Changing character spacing and text effects: The FONT dialog box has three TAB PAGES: FONT, CHARACTER SPACING & TEXT EFFECTS. FONT page has already been

explained above. The CHARACTER SPACING page has options which allow control on the following:


• Spaces between characters.

• Horizontal compression or expansion of text

• Change in vertical positioning of text viz. raised, normal or bottom

• KERNING which automatically adjusts the spaces acquired by slim and broad characters (for example tw) so that each character takes the same space on the


• TEXT EFFECTS page has a combo box from where an animation style for the selected text can be chosen. The effect of animation is seen on the screen only

and it is not printed.

• Copying, Pasting, and Removing Text Format: Select the text whose formatting you want to copy and apply it to another text. Press Shift plus Control plus

C to copy the format. Now select the text on which you want to apply this formatting. Press Shift plus Control plus V to paste this format.


Paragraph formatting

It refers to changing the appearance of the paragraphs as a whole. It includes indents, line spacing, paragraph spacing and page breaks.

For doing all this you have to go to Paragraph dialog box, which is in the Format menu. This dialog box has the following fields.

• Alignment: This refers to horizontal positioning of the Para. It provides options left, right, center and justified. When a paragraph is justified the

lengths of all lines are made equal by adjusting the spacing between words as far as possible. It is advisable to use this option at the start of paragraph


• Left: Type the margin that you want to leave on the left side of the paragraph. This is called left indent.

• Right: Type the margin in inches, which you want to leave on the right side of the paragraph. This is the right indent for the paragraph.

• Special: This combo box gives three options that is none, first line and hanging. When you choose the option-first line , the first line of the paragraph

indents or shifts to the right side by the distance, which you mention in the next field, which is By: edit. When you choose hanging the first line of

the paragraph, the first line remains the same and rest of the lines shift to the right side by the distance which you mention in By: edit.

• Before and After: These are for leaving specified amount of space before and after the selected paragraph. Choose the margin which is in points by using

the arrow keys.

• Line spacing: It is for changing the spacing between two lines. By default it is single line but it can be increased to requirement. Select using down

arrow. If you want it to be more than double then select Multiple and type the spacing in the next edit box.

• Press enter on OK after you have completed the options. It is important to note that the changes will effect the selected paragraphs and if nothing is

selected it will effect the typing which will be done thereafter.


Setting tab stops

When Tab key is pressed, the insertion pointer moves to the right by a certain distance. In fact, the insertion pointer jumps to the next tab stop. By default

the tab stops are set at every half-inch. The tab stops can be removed. They can also be created at the desired locations within the line width. This feature

is used for creating tables by aligning the text within the column. This can be done using the following steps:

• Decide how many columns you want to create and what will be their width. If three columns are required then two Tab stop settings have to be done.

• Go into Format menu and press Enter on Tabs. This dialog box has the following fields

Tab stop edit combo: Type the width or distance that you want for the first stop. Remember that the distance is always calculated from the left edge of

the paper.

Default tab stop: Generally this is 0.5 inches that is even when you don't do any tab setting by yourself the pointer moves by this distance on pressing

the tab key.


Alignment radio button: When you come to this field it will speak one of the following: Left, right, center, decimal or bar. If you want the text to be

typed on the right of the tab stop then keep it left aligned. When the tab stop is right aligned the text appears to the left of this tab stop. If a column

contains decimal numbers then make the tab stop of this column decimal aligned. In such a case the decimals will be aligned one below another. Center alignment

means that the text will be distributed equally on both sides of the tab stop. If it is bar aligned then a vertical bar will appear at the tab stop. Choose

the option using up or down arrow.


Leader tab: You will get the following options by using up or down arrow. None, dot, dash, underline. When tab is pressed the pointer jumps to the right

and leaves blank space in between if none option is selected. Dots, dashes or a straight line will fill the blank space when the relevant option is selected.

Set button: Press enter on this button after choosing options for each tab stop.

Clear all button: It removes all tab settings in the document.

OK button: Press Enter finally.

Creating numbered and bulleted lists

It is used for giving numbers or bullets to items in a list. It is in the Format menu. Bullets and numbering dialog box has three Tab pages namely bullets

tab, number tab and outline number. On all these three pages there are eight options or formats for selection. These choices are in the form of buttons

and are arranged in two rows and four columns. Use the arrow keys to choose any button.


Bullets: It has choices of symbols, which can be placed before points.

Number tab page: It has options like 1 2 3, a b c, a) b) c) etc Outline Number: It has options for sub points.

Special Considerations: In the Auto Correct item given under tools menu opens the multiple page dialog box. One of the pages in this dialog box is Auto

Correct As You Type. If the check box of Automatic Bulleted List and Automatic Numbered List are checked the following will happen:

• If any line starts with a digit then the pressing of enter key will bring the next number automatically in the next line. The automatic numbering feature

switches on automatically.

• If any line starts with a dash or star the bulleted list command gets activated automatically.

If an already typed line is needed to be given a number, the procedure for that would be: to place a pointer at the beginning of the line. Go into the bullet

and numbering dialog box from the format menu. Select the numbered tab page. Select the numbering scheme and press enter. The new number for the item is

inserted at the location of the cursor.

The numbering provided to the items can be of 9 levels. The numbering in this document is also provided using this feature. The main topic numbers are of

level 1 whereas the sub-points within each topic are of level 2. Any sub-points of the level 2 items would be assigned level 3 numbering. If the Auto Numbering

feature is on you get a new number by pressing the enter key. At this stage press the tab key to increment the level number by 1. Use the shift tab key

to decrease the level number by 1.

top of page

About Page Set-up

It refers to setting of margins and choosing paper size etc. Press Enter on Page set-up in the file menu. A dialog box opens which has four tab pages. The

following two pages are relevant:

Margins tab: Type the margins in the various edit boxes which include left margin, right margin, top margin and bottom margin. Gutter margin refers to the

binding margin. The binding margin is the space which is left blank on the left-hand side on the odd pages and on the right hand side on the even number

pages. This is useful for double side printing.

The margins can be written in inches, cms, or points. For expressing the margins in inches type the number followed by a double quote sign. For typing the

margins in the centimeter type the number followed by cm. To type the margins in point type in the number followed by the letter pt. You might recall that

there are 72 pts in an inch.

There is a combo box for choosing where you want to apply these settings. Choose whole document or this point forward as the requirement may be.

Paper size: Choose from the standard sizes that are available in the combo box or type the width and height in the edit boxes. Choose how you want to print

that is portrait for lengthwise or landscape for width wise printing.


Text can be written in more than one column on a page. In magazines or newspapers the text is written in columns.The text we are referring here is the running

text. Do the following to create a multiple column document:


Activate column command from the format menu. A dialogue box will open.Selecting number of columns: Focus is on edit spin box. Choose number of columns

you wish to create.

Column width and space between columns: These are two edit boxes. Default width is suggested. Type in new value to change the suggested width and space

between two columns.

Equal column width: This is a check box. If checked, it will automatically assign column width to the columns.


Pre-set column styles: There is a set of 5 radio buttons. These correspond to the five types of column styles:

• Style one doesn't have any column definitions. User can choose column width and number of columns of his/her own choice.

• Style 2 has predefined two columns with equal width.

• Style 3has predefined three columns with equal width.

• Style 4 has predefined two columns. Width of the left column is much less than the right side column.

• Style 5 also has two predefined columns. Width of left side column is much larger than the right side column.

Apply to: This is a combo box. The column settings can be applied to whole document or from current cursor position. The column settings can also be applied

to the selected text. Select the text before entering this dialogue box. Only then the option of applying column settings to selected text will be available.

Activate the OK button after making appropriate entries in the dialogue box.

Navigation in columns: You can know the current column number by pressing Insert+tab key. If you have made two columns in five rows, the first line of the

second column is treated as line 6. You can get this information from the status bar.

To move to the next column do the following: Go to the last line and last character of the current column. Press the right arrow key. To go to the previous

column, go to the first line and first character of the current column. Press the left arrow key.

Command for reading the current line reads line with in the current column. However, in JAWS, when the jaws cursor is active, command for reading current

line reads corresponding line of all the columns. You can move the jaws cursor to the text of any column in the current line. Pressing left click will

bring the insertion pointer to the position of the jaws cursor. This is another way of moving from one column to another.

Inserting date and time

Current date and time can be inserted in any document without typing. It gets inserted at the point where the pointer is present. Press Enter on date and

time, which is in the Insert menu. A dialog box opens which has a combo box showing available formats. Choose the format you like using arrow keys and

press Enter. The date and time get inserted.


Giving passwords to files

Files can be given two types of passwords to protect them from unauthorisd use.

Password to open: A person who does not have the password will not be able to open or read the file.

Password to modify: Without the password a person can read the file but can't make changes.


To give password:

list of 7 items

• Press enter on options in the tools menu. A dialog box opens.

• It has number of tab pages.

• Go to the SAVE tab page in this dialog box.

• Reach the password edit box in this page.

• Type the password and press enter.

• You will be asked to type the password again. Press enter after typing it again.

• Remember to save the changes at the time of closing the file.


At the time of opening the file password will be asked. If a wrong password is given the file will not open. If you don't have the password but you are

getting a read only button on pressing tab then press enter here the file will open in read only mode.

Password for preventing modification to a document:

• Open the document.

• On the File menu, click Save As.

• Click Options.

• In the Password to modify box, type a password, and then click OK.

• In the Reenter password to modify box, type the password again, and then click OK.

• Click Save.


Tip: If you're writing a document for review, you can allow others to make suggestions by using comments or tracked changes but still leave the document

protected from other modifications. Click Protect Document on the Tools menu, and then click Tracked Changes. To let reviewers insert comments but not

change the contents of the document, click Comments.


Checking the spelling in a document

Word has a built in dictionary. When spell check command is given it compares the words in the document with the words in the dictionary. If it does not

find a match it refers to it as a mistake and gives similar words as suggestions for correcting the spelling. To start the spell-checker, activate the

spelling and grammar command from the tools menu. The accelerator key for the same is F7. The spell check dialog box opens and it tells you the first wrong

spelling it detects. This dialog box has the following fields:


• Edit Box showing the mistake: Displays the wrong spelling along with the sentence. The cursor remains on the wrong word when the dialog box opens.

• Suggestions list box: Shows a list of one or more suggestions for the wrong word.

• Ignore and Ignore All Button: If you think the word is correct and you wish to leave the word as it is then use either of these two buttons to continue

checking the rest of the document. The difference between the Ignore and Ignore All are is that the Ignore button ignores the occurrence of that word only

for the currently pointed out mistake. However, if you select the Ignore All the spell checker would not point out the same mistake in whole of the document.


• Change and Change All Button: When a mistake is shown in the edit box and you find an appropriate suggestion in the list box then use the Change and Change

All Button to replace the misspelled word with the correct suggestion. The Change All button would make the change wherever this misspelled word occurs.

Sometimes appropriate suggestions do not appear in the suggestions list box or no suggestions are displayed at all. In such cases go to edit box and use

the arrow and editing keys to correct the mistake and use the Change and Change All button to change their misspelled word in the document with the edited

version of the word.

• Add Button: Use this button to add frequently occurring words into the dictionary. These words will not be considered as mistakes afterwards. Words like

names of persons or cities will be shown, as spelling errors, using Add Button would save the trouble of ignoring such mistakes forever.


You will get a message when the check is complete. Press enter then.

Using the thesaurus

This feature is useful when you want to check the meanings of words or replace words with better alternative words. Place the insertion pointer on the word

and then press shift plus F7. A dialog box opens having the following important fields:

Meanings list box: Shows list of meanings for the selected word.

Replace with synonym list box: Displays a set of simonizes for each meaning. Any of these words can be used to replace the word in the file.

Replace button: After selecting the word in the synonym list activate this button for changing the word in the document with this new word.

Printing a document

Press Enter on Print. in the File menu or use Control plus P. The dialog box has the following relevant fields:

Number of copies: Type in the desired number of copies of the document required to be printed.

Print: All pages in range are what you will hear. This combo box is useful when you want to print on both sides of the paper. First select odd pages and

print them. Then put the printed papers back into the printer with their sides reversed. Now select even pages in this combo box and print.


Print Range Radio Button: You can select one of all the following options:

• All: It prints all the pages of the document.

• Current Page: Prints only one page in which the insertion pointer is located in the document.

• Page Range: Prints the specified page numberf.


Print Range Edit Box: This edit box is useful only if the Print Range Radio Box is selected in the previous control. This edit box is used to specify the

page numbers to be printed. For example type 5 - 8 to print from page 5 to page 8. Type 5, 8 to print page 5 and page 8.


Selection: If a portion of the text is to be printed then select it. In the print range radio button you will now find one more option that is selection

radio button. This should be used for printing selected text.


Inserting headers and footers

Select Header and Footer from the View menu and press Enter.

The view changes to Print Layout and displays the header area. A Header and Footer Toolbar also appear on the screen at this point of time. Write the header

directly over here.

Press Down Arrow to display the footer area and now type the desired footer. If the header is more than one line than pressing down arrow after reaching

the last line of the header will take the control to the footer area.


The text written in header and footer area can be formatted in the same way as other text in Ms Word.

Now this view needs to be closed. The closed button appears at the bottom right corner of this view. You can either click on this button using the Jaws

cursor or press the Alt C to activate this button.

Auto correct

As you type you will realise that there are some mistakes that are made quite often. MS Word provides the AUTO CORRECT feature for automatically correcting

such mistakes. You can make certain auto correct entries so that word automatically corrects spelling errors. To create Auto Correct entries do the following:


• Select the wrongly spelt word.

• From the tools menu, choose auto correct.

• In the replace box type your correct word.

• Press the add button.

• The entry is added to the list of auto correct entries.

• Click on ok to return to the document.


From then on every time this word is misspelled in the same way MS Word would automatically correct it. The dialog box of the auto correct has five check

boxes -- correct two initial capitals, capitalize first letter of sentence, capitalize names of days, correct accidental usage of caps lock key, replace

text as you type. These check boxes should be kept checked.


• Correct Two Initial Capitals - If the first two letters of a word are typed in an upper case then the send letter is changed to the lower case.

• Correct Accidental Usage of Caps Lock Key - By mistake if you have left the caps lock key on and you type a word with its first letter using the shift

key. In such a case the result would be that first letter of the word would be in lower case and rest of the letter in a word would appear in an upper

case. This check box would automatically correct such mistake. In this correction the case of each of the letter in the sentence would be reversed.


Creating tables in word

A spreadsheet type of table can be created in a word document. The grid of columns and rows can be created.

Go to the TABLE menu and select table from INSERT submenu and press ENTER.

A dialog box opens. Mention the number of rows and columns that you want. The other options need not be changed in normal case. A table gets inserted where

the insertion pointer was present.

Use TAB to move between the columns and UP and DOWN arrows to move between rows and write the text.

Use the DELETE submenu in the TABLE menu to remove rows or columns and INSERT submenu to insert rows and columns.

Use the SELECT submenu to select table, rows or columns. This is essential before formatting. Remember that the text in the table is formatted through the

FORMAT menu of Word only like other text.

AUTO FIT TO CONTENTS command inside the AUTO FIT submenu is very useful for changing the size of the table. This command adjusts the width of the column

according to the number of characters entered in the data. This command is available from word 2000 onwards.

Converting text to table

Text if written in a particular way can be converted into tables. While writing the text a separator like DASH, TAB or COMMA should be used between the

entries of different columns. At the end of every row use the enter key. Now select the entire text which needs to convert into table. Activate the TEXT

TO TABLE from the TABLE menu. In the dialog box that opens mention the separator that you have used. Also check the number of columns. On doing OK the

text is changed to table.


Mail merge


Imagine a situation where you have to send one letter to 75 different persons. MS-Word has a feature called a Mail Merge to avoid the typing of this letter

75 times. With Mail Merge, merging happens between two documents. The first document is the body of the letter and the second document contains names and

addresses of those 75 persons.


In the body of the letter special codes are placed at the places where names and addresses are to appear. On issuing the merge command MS-Word print this

body of the letter 75 times. Each time new name and the address is picked up from the list of names and addresses. To create the two documents and to take

merged print outs do the following:


Activate the Mail Merge Commands from the Tools Menu. This will open the Mail Merge Helper Dialog Box. This dialog box is divided into three parts. First

part is for creating or editing main document, the second part is for the data source and the third one is to merge the documents. When you enter into

this document only the first part is available. The screen reader announces create main document.


Use up or down arrow key to select the type of main document. Available types are form letter, envelopes, mailing labels and catalogs. Press enter to activate

one of these options.


You will now be prompted whether you want to use the current document window for creating this main document or create a new document window. Tab to the

appropriate option and press enter.


• The control is now returned to the Mail Merge Helper Dialog Box. The second item of the data source now becomes available. The control is at the list

which has the following options:


• Create a new data source: Use this option if you wish to create a data file from scratch. Appropriate dialog boxes to help you create the fields and typing

the data within them will appear.

• Open an existing data source: Use this option to use an existing data document. This data document could be a MS-Excel spreadsheet, MS-Word table, MS-Access

Database or delimited text file.

• Use address book: Choose this option to pick names and addresses from the address book utility software.

• Header options.


Choose the appropriate option and press enter.


Note: It is recommended for the ease of use with the screen reader to use MS-Excel to create data sources and use the open data source option from the above

mentioned list.


On choosing the open data source item you will be prompted to give the file name to be used as the data source. This will be done through a file open type

of dialog box.


After the selection of a data source file you will be prompted to edit the main document to place the fields at the appropriate places within the body of

the document. Press enter on the edit main document button. The control is now returned to a blank document window.


Type in the text of the letter.


Inserting fields at the appropriate places: Now you need to insert the fields from the data source at the places in the main document where the data from

the data file will be placed. In the current document window a new tool bar has appeared. Reach this toolbar by pressing Alt key then pressing the Ctrl

tab repeatedly till you hear "Insert Merged Field". This is the list of the fields available from the data source. Select the appropriate field and press

enter. The field name now appears at the place of the insertion pointer within the brackets.


Printing a merged document: From the toolbar you can activate the View Merged Data button. This will display the data of the current record from the data

source. Give the normal print command mentioned in the file menu to print the letter with the data of the current record.


The second option is to go back to the Mail Merge Helper Dialog Box by activating the Mail Merge command from the tools menu. Now the third section of the

dialog box with the heading Merge Document is also available. Activate the Merge Document button. You will be prompted for a target. The following options

are available:


• Merge to new document: This will create a new document with as many copies of the letter as the number of data records.

• Printer: By choosing this option the merge documents are directly send to the printer.


Create a table of contents


The table of contents is a very useful feature of MS-Word. This not only provides an overview of the contents of the full documents but also allows jumping

to the section indicated by an entry in the table of contents. There are several ways of creating table of contents. The methods described here are outline

and heading style method. Follow the given steps:


Layout Line Method: If you have used the numbering feature described in section 25 of this document. You can create a table of contents where each of the

number and the text appearing on that line along with the page number will appear on the table of contents.


Apply the numberings of the appropriate levels to the headings and sub-headings which need to be listed in the table of contents.


Activate the Index and Table command from the Insert Menu. In Windows- 2000 and Windows-XP, this command is in the sub-menu of Reference. The Reference

is in the sub-menu of Insert. This command will open a dialog box which has four tab pages. Go to the Table of Contents tab page.


• Format List Box:There are several formats of displaying Table of Contents entries "From Template" option is almost similar to what we see in the books.

Select the desired format from this list.

• Show page numbers and Right align page numbers: Both of these are check boxes.

• Show Levels: It is an edit spin box. Specify the number of levels which you wish to include in the Table of Contents.

• Tab Leader: It is a combo box. Select the character which would fill up the blank space in the line between the heading and page number of the Table of

Contents entry.


Press enter on the OK button. This would create the Table of Contents at the location of the insertion pointer. If the Table of Contents needs to be created

at the beginning of the document make sure to go to the beginning of the document before activating the Index and Table command.


Heading style: Instead of using the outline numbering you can apply styles to headings that you need to include in the Table of Contents. For doing this:


• Select the heading and activate the Style command from the Format Menu.

• From the list of styles choose heading 1 for level 1, heading 2 for level 2 and so on.

• Activate the OK button.

• Repeat steps from 38.2.1 to 38.2. for marking headings with appropriate heading styles.


Using macros to automate tasks


If you perform a task repeatedly in Word, you can automate the task by using a macro. A macro is a series of keystrokes, word commands and instructions

that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically. Instead of manually performing a series of time-consuming, repetitive actions

in Word, you can create and run a single macro-in effect, a custom command-that accomplishes the task for you. Here are some typical uses of macros:


• To speed up routine editing and formatting or typing like address of your own organisation.

• To combine multiple commands: for example, inserting a table with a specific size and borders, and with a specific number of rows and columns.

• To make an option in a dialog box more accessible.

• To automate a complex series of tasks.


Word offers two ways for you to create a macro: the macro recorder and the Visual Basic Editor.


Recording a macro: The macro recorder can help you get started creating macros. Word records a macro as a series of word commands in Visual Basic for Applications.

When you record a macro, you can use the mouse to select commands and options, but the macro recorder doesn't record mouse movements in a document window.

For example, you can't use the mouse to move the insertion point or to select, copy, or move items by selecting or dragging. You must use the keyboard

to record these actions. When you're recording a macro, you can temporarily pause recording and then resume recording where you stopped.


For quick access to your macro, you can assign it to a toolbar, a menu, or shortcut keys. Running the macro is as simple as selecting the toolbar button

or menu command or pressing the shortcut keys. You can also use the Macros command (Tools menu, Macro submenu) to run a macro. Perform the following steps:


• Activate the Macro command from the Tools Menu. A sub-menu will appear. Activate the Record command from this sub-menu. A dialog box opens.


• Macro Name: This is an edit box where a name for this macro is to be typed. Do not use spaces in the macro name.

• Assign Macro to a keystroke: A button labeled keyboard appears in the dialog box. Activate this button to assign keystroke to this macro.

• Assigning a Macro to a toolbar symbol: A symbol in the tool bar can be inserted to run this macro. Activate the tool bar button to assign a symbol to

this macro.

• Macro Location: This is a combo box which has the options of or the current document. If the macro is saved in the or the normal

template then the macro will be available in all MS-Word documents being created using the normal template. The second option would make the macro available

only in the document where it is stored.

• Description of the Macro: It is an edit box where you can type in the helpful hints about why this macro is being created.

• The keyboard assignment dialog box: If you activate the keyboard button a new dialog box appears. In the edit box for keyboard shortcut type the key combination

like Alt Ctrl D. This combination would activate the macro. Go to the assign button and press enter. Go to the OK button and press enter. You are now back

to the document window.


What ever you type or whatever commands you give at this stage will be recorded in the macro. It means when this macro will be activated all the keystrokes

will be executed in the same sequence as are been done now. Pause and stop recording buttons are available at the bottom of this document window. The stop

recording command is also available in the Tools Menu under the Macro command.


Run Macro: Activate the Macros command in the Macro sub-menu under tools. In the Macro name box, select the name of the macro you want to run. If the macro

doesn't appear in the list, select a different document, template, or list in the Macros in box. Activate Run. The macro can also be executed using the

keystroke or the toolbar button if you have assigned it while recording the macro.


Delete a macro: On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then select Macros. In the Macro name box, select the name of the macro you want to delete. If the

macro doesn't appear in the list, select a different document, template, or list in the Macros in box. Select Delete.




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