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‘I don’t have both eyes, but Siddaramaiah does’

Mon, 08/11/2014 - 13:25 -- nikita.jain

As the protest by gazetted probationers of the KPSC 2011 batch intensified on Saturday, 32-year-old Kempahonnaiah showed no signs of fatigue.

Selected on his second attempt at the exam, the visually-impaired candidate was to become a tahsildar. But the Cabinet decision put paid to that dream. “I wanted to set an example to other blind people that they can also achieve success in life,” said a dejected Kempahonnaiah.

A native of Chowdanakuppe in Kunigal, Kempahonnaiah teaches at the Government PU College in Chowdanakuppe. “I met the Chief Minister two months ago. He had promised justice. I don’t have both eyes, but he does. I request him to review his decision,” he said.

SOURCE: The Hindu
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