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China offers college entrance exam in Braille

Tue, 04/22/2014 - 12:03 -- nikita.jain

Chinese students will be able to sit for the college entrance exam in Braille, the ministry of education has announced.

Human Rights Watch described this week’s directive as an important breakthrough after years of campaigning by disability rights advocates in China, where educational and employment discrimnation are rife.

While a few blind students have studied at university, the vast majority have been effectively barred from higher education because there was no provision for them.

While all children are in theory entitled to the same education, parents and campaigners say there is scant means for redress when institutions refuse to enrol students with disabilities.

“Making exams accessible to the blind would help to minimise discrimination against and maximise respect for people with disabilities in China,” said Sophie Richardson, China director at the group.

SOURCE: The Hindu

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