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Film screenings bring smiles to Pune children

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:07 -- admin

Recently children — including hearing and speech impaired, mentally challenged, orthopedically impaired and even a batch of visually impaired — had trooped into the premises of Children’s Film Society of India (CSFI) to see the children’s films.

CFSI, as a part of a project, has been screening children's films in municipal and tribal schools for free. Needless to say the children were happy and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

Blind cricket reaches Caribbean shores

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:05 -- admin

“The Caribbean island is mad keen on cricket and I know the idea of the game being played by blind and visually impaired players really grips people's imaginations”, said England blind cricket coach Andy Sellins.

West Indies cricket team have always enthralled cricket lovers all over world with their talent. Now, their blind cricket team will do the same. The England blind cricket team and former stars Desmond Haynes and Devon Malcolm assisted by the London Community Cricket Association will coach the West Indies’ first blind cricket team.

Eye drops may cause blindness

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:04 -- admin

If you use eye drops frequently and that too without any medical advice; take care. Frequent use of eye drops could damage eyes and might even cause complete loss of vision, warned the Hong Kong Association of Private Eye Surgeons (HKAPES).

According to HKAPES, most eye drops contain preservatives that are potentially harmful to eyes. If they are used frequently – more than six times a day; preservative residues could accumulate, causing chronic irritation and even infection of the cornea. In severe cases it could lead to permanent loss of vision.

Awareness Fortnight Meet raises awareness about eye donation in Punjab

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:03 -- admin

Punarjot Eye Bank of Punjab held an awareness fortnight meet on eye donation. Punjab Health Minister R.C. Dogra, was the chief guest at the event. He acknowledged that due to the involvement of NGOs, eye donation and transplantation has got a tremendous boost in the state.

Dr Ramesh, the Director of Punarjot Eye Bank, stated that the eye bank had the support of allies in the ‘war against blindness’ and due to which their eye bank is able to reach out to poor and needy patients in the rural areas of the state, where there are few eye specialists.

Lucknow Eyebank Association organises public awareness programme

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:02 -- admin

Thirty-year-old Abdul Jamal Ahmed, a jari-worker from Malihabad, was unable to do detailed work because of corneal blindness. But things changed for the better after he underwent a corneal transplant at the Lucknow Eye Bank. The corneal transplant transformed his vision and his life. Now, he can do intricate jari work and much more. Jamal, was sharing his experience at a public awareness programme organised by the Lucknow Eye Bank Association, recently.

Enzyme may hold key to a form of blindness

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:01 -- admin

Researchers led by Gabriel Travis, a University of California (Los Angeles), biochemist, said that scientists previously were unable to explain the chemistry behind the known link between a gene known as Rpe65 and Leber.

“This suggests that replacement of Rpe65 by gene therapy should correct the blindness in these children, as was observed in mice and dogs with Rpe65 mutations,” said Travis.

Temporal Arteritis can lead to blindness

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:01 -- admin

Both Dorris Treber and Rev. Robert Hoffman of, Niles and South bend, respectively, were experiencing weird aches and pains in the jaws, shoulders, headache and a bulging, tender blood vessel in the forehead. But it wasn't until they developed vision problems and went to their eye doctors who diagnosed them with temporal arteritis, a dangerous inflammation of the arteries in the face which could lead to blindness.

Car rally for the visually impaired in Bangalore

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 13:00 -- admin

A special Friendship Day car rally for the blind was organised at Bangalore on August 7, 2005. The visually challenged acted as navigators to sighted drivers. They were given a predetermined route map, printed in Braille. The route had 44 curves which were noted on the map.

The rally covered a 70-km route from Bangalore Central to Nandi Hills.

I.B.M. launches improved web accessibility software

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 12:59 -- admin

I.B.M. has launched new software that makes it easier for users – especially those with visual and motor impairments – to access and navigate the Web. The software will make it possible for Web pages to be automatically narrated or magnified. IBM announced that it is contributing Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML) accessibility technology software to the Mozilla Foundation's Firefox 1.5 version Web browser.

Text books for visually impaired students in Serbia

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 12:58 -- admin

Representatives of the, Association of Blind and Visually Impaired People, of Serbia – Beli Stap (White Cane), together with several other disability associations, discussed the problems faced by disabled students at universities.

The Nasa Knjiga (Our Book) action, implemented by White Cane Association, aims to provide each student with textbooks in a form most suited to their needs. Vesna Nestorovic, President of the Association, said blind and vision-impaired students should have access to electronic books, since that is the form best suited to their studies.

Visually impaired family in Khandwa runs a successfull grocery business

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 12:57 -- admin

In Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, two blind brothers, Dharam Chand Jain and Rajendra Jain run their grocery shops while their blind sister; Nirmala is working in a government school as a teacher.

Dharam Chand Jain has been running a grocery shop for the last 40 years and has in fact added an auto parts counter to his shop, recently. Rajendra Jain also runs a grocery shop and supports his family.

Both of them do all the buying and selling themselves and also even money transactions and their business runs smoothly.

Pakistani doctors in Hyderabad to sharpen skills

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 12:54 -- admin

The incidence of childhood blindness is increasing in the subcontinent. We need to curb this," says Dr. Md. Younas Khan.

Dr. Md. Younas Khan and Dr. Md. Naeem Khan of Peshawar, Pakistan are here to specialise in paediatric ophthalmology. Their visit is part of a training programme sponsored by the Vision 2020 of the World Health Organisation at the L V Prasad Eye Hospital, Hyderabad.

India, US sign vision research agreement

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 12:54 -- admin

The United States National Institute of Health and India's Department of Biotechnology have signed a Statement of Intent for collaboration on expansion of vision research. The agreement emphasises on increasing commitment to joint collaborations on eye disorders. With the rising global burden of disability and suffering posed by eye disorders, such partnerships gain greater significance.


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