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NGO plays matchmaker for blind couple

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:55 -- admin

This is no usual boy-meets-girl love story. Rakesh Solanki and Sunita Pawar, both visually impaired, will be tying the knot on Sunday.

And, NGO Louis Braille Apang Kalyan Sanstha, Lonikand, is playing Cupid for the couple by making it a grand affair, much
beyond the meagre means of the two.

The NGO works for the visually challenged by making provisions of home, education and vocational skills.

Attributing their alliance to the sanstha, Rakesh said, “The founder of this NGO, Arjun Kendre, was my batchmate at PR Lunkad Blind School, Bhosari.”

Pune University’s special students get aid.MP3

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:54 -- admin

Blind students studying at the University of Pune and its affiliated colleges in the district have reason to cheer.
In order to increase their pace of learning and enhance their academic potential, the Pune University Blind Student Learning Centre which functions under the Department of Education and Extensive Education, has decided to distribute special MP3 players to its students.
Some of the devices have already been handed out and the results have been encouraging.

National athletics meet for visually challenged

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:49 -- admin

Approximately 400 athletes from all over the country will be seen in action in the 8th edition of the National Athletics for the Visually Challenged to be organized by the Punjab Sports Association for the visually challenged persons with the help of Bharat Blinds Sewak Samaj at Baddowal village on the Ludhiana-Ferozepur road on April 17 and 18.


The information was given at a press conference here today by chief organiser Gurpreet Singh Chahal and organizing committee chairman Tit Ram.


Amend RTE and give choice to disabled children between ‘special’ or normal school: NAC

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:47 -- admin

The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) wants the human resource development (HRD) ministry to amend the right to education (RTE) law to ensure that disabled children have the choice to study either in an ordinary or a special school. ”The HRD ministry should amend the act to ensure that the RTE to all children with disabilities is safeguarded and that the choice to such children to study in an inclusive school or a special school is real,” said the draft guidelines framed by the council’s working group on the rights of the disabled. According to the NAC, while one view was tha

Disabled pin hopes on RTE Act

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:46 -- admin

Poorva Subramanium is barely 10 years old, but has learnt an important lesson in life — not to trouble her parents when they come out of the schools they have been visiting these days. “It is frustrating. No school wants to admit her. She is good at shapes, colours and can also read,” says her mother, showing her report card from a special school here that deems her, ‘Fit to be admitted in a mainstream school'.

Haptic shoe shows them the way

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:42 -- admin

Having landed a much-sought-after job at the research lab of a leading global IT major, fresh out of college, Anirudh Sharma was working on cutting-edge product technologies. But what really drove him was something he was doing on the side, in his own time, over weekly offs and after hours, burning the proverbial midnight oil: developing a shoe that he hoped would transform the lives of millions of visually impaired people.

Visually impaired divided over role of Braille in the digital age

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:40 -- admin

Only about 10 to 12 percent of the nation's blind population are able to read Braille, and some advocates are worried that the nearly 200-year-old system of writing for the visually impaired could be on its way out.

Michael Cush was born with vision loss and learned Braille when he was a child, but he hardly uses it now.

"It's just not practical in my day-to-day life, mainly because it is very laborious and expensive to produce and also it is not very portable," says Cush.

City’s vision-impaired learn life-saving techniques

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:38 -- admin

At a rare workshop organised by a city not-for-profit, 61 vision-impaired participants were given cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first-aid training on Sunday. This is probably the first workshop of its kind in India. “We wanted to eradicate the myth that the vision impaired cannot help anyone, and therefore thought the workshop was a good idea” said Sushmeetha B Bubna, founder director, Voice Vision, the NGO that organised the workshop that was held at HK Institute of Management Studies and Research in Jogeshwari.

The world of words

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:37 -- admin

There is not much by way of reading facilities for the visually challenged population in the State. While the vast majority has to make do with the help of others who read aloud for them, the practical impediments of Braille system make text books largely unavailable.

Proud moment for cattle scheme beneficiaries

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:33 -- admin

Twenty-three-year old Mohana, one of the beneficiaries of the State government's free cattle scheme at Poorigamaanimitta village in Tirupattur panchayat union, expressed her gratitude to the government by taking proper care of the cattle and supplying 10 litres of milk each day to the Aavin milk cooperative society. This, in fact, brought the District Collector to her house in this small village and she fetched a shield in a gesture of appreciation and encouragement to keep up the good work.

Lino Awomi- visually challenged singer

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:32 -- admin

Meet Lino Awomi, 19 years old girl, who was born blind, from Usotomi village under Zunheboto district, went on to become one of the visually challenged singers out of the dark.  Reaching beyond the limitations, to show her inner strength she boldly said that her aim in life is to become a music director. No obstacle too hard, for this ambition to overcome presently she started music class on piano and vocal.

Officials Introduce Taxi Payment Service for the Visually Impaired

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:30 -- admin

The payment system in the city's cabs is about to be more accessible for the blind or visually impaired — and advocates say the move is on the money.

Creative Mobile Technologies, which powers the touch-screen systems inside half the cabs in New York City’s fleet of 13,000, will begin upgrading their existing technology to allow the visually impaired to know their fare and use the credit card payment system.

Visually challenged twin brothers, role models for everyone

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 09:56 -- admin

“Be kind enough to call us visually challenged or impaired rather than calling us blind or handicapped” asks Habeeb and Akbar; the twin brothers, who fought their way out of numerous challenges since their birth in March 1982. Now Habeeb and Akbar are working as assistant professors at Farook College and Kalpetta Govt College respectively and are relentlessly working to achieve new heights in their career.

Blind fashion designer aims to make TV shows

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 09:55 -- admin

He's been blind since age 15. But nobody can say that Mason Ewing lacks vision.

Overcoming a nightmarish childhood, Ewing, 30, has been a successful fashion designer in Paris.

For the last six months, however, his mind has been set on Hollywood, where he hopes to create a teen comedy and a dramatic series for television.

Born in Cameroon to an American father and a Cameroonian mother and raised in France, his own life has been filled with drama.

Rajya Sabha passes bill to provide education to disabled children

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 09:53 -- admin

A bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha today to widen the beneficiary net for disabled children in Right to Education and provide those with severe disability the option of receiving education at home.


Moving the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2010, for consideration, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal said it provides the right to receive home-based education to children with severe disabilities and dismissed criticism of the provision.


Visually impaired artist brings light to fine art

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 09:51 -- admin

The event will be held in Jothic auditorium, Johor Bahru at 7.00pm, on 29th April 2012.

Sunadha is unique cultural troupe from Samarthanam Trust, India. They will be performing Indian classical and folk dance.

According to Banumathi Krishnan, the head of the dance unit for the Johor Bahru Temple of Fine Arts, the proceeds from the tickets will be spent on the troupe, organising costs and some will be allocated for land funds.


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