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NGO to air inspiring stories of the visually impaired on TV

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 12:30 -- deepti.gahrotra
An inspiration to many, the visually impaired have set extraordinary examples of courage and optimism.

Now an NGO is taking it a step further by airing a 13-episode TV series with Naseeruddin Shah to change societal mindsets towards the visually impaired.

At 30 years, Madhu, a communication facilitator with a leading MNC, is also a wife and a mother. Her day revolves around her son and together they are a picture perfect family. Her visual impairment has never come in the way of leading a full life. "This difference between them and us has to change. The society needs to accept us and together call us 'we'," she said.

For Preeti Monga, it has been a long journey through adversities and failures. She has managed to build up herself and today she's the director of 'Silver Lining', her NGO, which helps with career guidance and counseling to individuals and corporates. "Now I've learnt how to overcome all hurdles. Life does not stop, we have to live productively and in a happy manner," Preeti said.

Score foundation, in collaboration with Sightsavers and Tech Mahindra, is taking a step towards changing the mindset through a tele-series called 'Nazar ya Nazariya', a 13-episode series on Doordarshan that will be anchored by actor Naseeruddin Shah. The show aims at questioning common perceptions and focusing on the immense possibilities of life with blindness.

"The change cannot be brought about overnight. There has to be a way somewhere in between and consider them as our own," Naseeruddinn Shah said.

Over the years, Score Foundation came across motivating stories of visually impaired people who could boast of extra-ordinary achievements in their lives. The show would touch upon themes ranging from education, employment, business, art and culture to marriage and relationships.

The man behind this special initiative is the founder of Score Foundation, George Abraham, who has been striving to change the way the society looks at visually impaired people.

There are 32 such inspiring stories on the visually impaired, which would dispel the negative perception about them. It's not what they can't do, it's what they can do. It's not about the 'nazar', it's about the 'nazariya'.

Source: IBN Live

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