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Nine para-athletes included in TOPS

Mon, 07/06/2015 - 11:17 -- geeta.nair

The Sports Ministry has extended the benefits of Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) to India’s elite disabled athletes by providing them funding to prepare for next year’s Paralympic Games in Rio De Janerio.

The Ministry has offered financial assistance to nine para-athletes — Amit Kumar Saroha and Karamjyoti (discus throw), Devendra Jhajharia, Deepa Malik and Narendra Kumar (javelin throw), Sharath Gaikwad (swimming), HH Girisha and Sharad Kumar (high jump) and Sandeep Maan (400m race).

These para-athletes have already been sanctioned the desired amount by the Ministry to fund their training and equipment needs, apart from the foreign exposure trips.

Surprisingly, the Ministry has neither made any announcement in this regard nor revealed the names of the para-athletes who have been included in the TOPS.

“The TOPS funding will help the para-athletes prepare better for the Rio Games. Ever since the Ministry launched the TOPS, we were also waiting for our names to be included in the scheme. Now that we are part of it, the exposure trips will definitely improve our performance. We will be better equipped this time to present a strong challenge at the Games,” Saroha said.

India has a poor record at the Paralympic Games, managing to win just eight medals from 12 editions. In the last Paralympics in London, Girisha was the only medallist (silver).


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