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Police to donate Rs. 35,000 to blind school

Fri, 07/31/2015 - 10:19 -- geeta.nair

Nalgonda police have decided to donate Rs. 35,000 every month to a blind school being run by Development of Welfare Association of the Blind (DWAB), an NGO based in Nalgonda.

Felicitating the founder of DWAB, P. Chokkak Rao, at a function here on Wednesday, Superintendent of Police Vikram Jeet Duggal said each and every police personnel in the district will contribute Rs. 10 from their salary every month that would amount to Rs. 35,000.

Earlier, the Police Department used to donate Rs. 3,500 every month as each police personnel donated just Rs. 1.


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Nalgonda, Telangana
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