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A printing press for the blind

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 12:56 -- deepti.gahrotra

Here’s some relief for blind students in Bangalore, who have to run pillar to post looking for textbooks. Snehadeep Trust for the Blind dedicated a Braille printing press here recently for the blind in order to fill the wide deficit of Braille literature available for the visually impaired students in the city.

The printing press was inaugurated by Malay Chatterjee, chairman and managing director of Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL), and BBMP councillor Rajendra on the premises of the organisation in Cox Town.

Trust chairperson Paul Muddha said: “The press is our step forward in our endeavour to provide academic books for school and college students.”

The trust plans to start a weekly newspaper covering a range of issues including sports, current affairs and issues pertaining to the persons with disabilities (PWDs) across the globe. He added that Braille literature would be available to all needy blind students free of cost to help compete equally in jobs and education.

Those interested in getting the Braille books and literature can contact +91-9449021997.

Source: The Hindu

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