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Railways Circular a Win for Eyeway Advocacy work

Thu, 08/01/2013 - 12:48 -- deepti.gahrotra

People with visual impairment now have one less hurdle to cross when applying for jobs with Indian Railways thanks to advocacy work by Eyeway.

Eyeway received reports that the Ministry of Railways officials were insisting on Disability Certificates in certain prescribed formats, and that certificates issued by medical officials were not accepted. This meant candidates were deemed ineligible to apply for positions against the Physically Handicapped quota.

Eyeway’s Advocacy team took up the issue, writing letters to and having meetings with the Railways Board Director of Establishment, who oversees recruitment across the organisation.

A circular issued by Mr Harsha Dass, Director of Establishment, on 10/04/2013 sets out that recruiting agencies should not insist on certificates in certain formats and that a Disability Certificates issued by Medical Board by Central or State Government is acceptable.

Eyeway’s Advocacy Officer Neha Saigal welcomed the news, saying “We are delighted that the Government have listened to the issues faced by people honestly seeking work and have responded positively”.

The Eyeway Helpdesk (+91 11 460 70380) welcomes calls from people living with visual impairment from across India and offers help and support on all areas of life. The Advocacy team supports callers who face unfair discrimination and works to bring about positive change to enable all visually impaired people to live positive independent lives.

An original copy of the circular is herewith attached for reference, we shall shortly be converting it into accessible format.
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