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Visually impaired student memorises Quran through Braille

Tue, 07/16/2013 - 12:58 -- deepti.gahrotra

In a remarkable feat, avisually challenged student in an Islamic studies centre here has memorised the Holy Quran entirely using the Braille script.

Twaha Mahboob, a 21-year-old student of the College of Tahfeelul Quran under Ma'din Academy, came in for praise from a gathering scholars and students when he recited verses from the Quran at a conference at the campus recently.

Though it is not rare for blind people to memorise the Quran, learning the holy text through Braille script is rare, according to some scholars at the conference.

"Visually impaired persons normally learn Quran by listening to recital by instructors. But it is a rare case when somebody memorises the holy book entirely with the help of Braille," Ummer Melmuri, spokesperson of the Ma'din Academy said.

Mahboob took three years to memorise the Quran with all its 114 Surahs (chapters) and 6,666 verses and he can now recall and explain any verse from any Surah at any part of the holy book.

Mahboob, who hails from a family of Islamic scholars, has been pursuing a seven-year course at Ma'din Blind School, Swalath Nagar.

"I can now read Quran just as any of the sighted persons. I praise the Almighty for fulfilling my ambition of entirely memorising the holy Quran by this Ramadan," Mahboob said.

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