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Veer: Charudatta Jadhav, the visually impaired hero of Indian chess

Thu, 03/06/2014 - 11:54 -- deepti.gahrotra
 A visually impaired chess champion, Charudatta Jadhav, is helping many others like him to master the game and checkmate the many challenges in life.

He may need a walking stick to help him find his way but he is a true master when it comes to the game of chess. Charudatta Jadhav lost his vision at the age of 13. The only reason that gave him courage to fight his disability at that tender age was his passion for the game. He soon became the blind superhero of Indian chess.

16-year-old Mumbai student builds air hockey game for the visually impaired

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:34 -- deepti.gahrotra
Hemani Kalucha won the Indian Robot Olympiad 2012 for her project ‘AR-Jen’ The Robot Arjun. In the Mahabharata, Arjuna's story relates a great accomplishment in archery which, before Arjun, was achieved only by the Gods.  Robotics enthusiasts thrive on replicating such accomplishments to advance the field of robotics. This feat was accomplished by Hemani before heading to the World Robot Olympiad.

Experimental contact lens aims to offer tactile sight for the blind

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:29 -- deepti.gahrotra

Researchers from the Faculty of Engineering at Israel's Bar Ilan University have developed a prototype contact lens that could enable the visually impaired to see the world in a whole new light. Developed by Professor Zeev Zalevsky, the contact lens processes digital images and translates them into tactile sensations which can then be felt on the user's cornea, allowing them to form a picture of their physical surroundings.

Him Prasad develops new software for visually impaired

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 10:58 -- deepti.gahrotra
Semi-visually impaired Him Prasad Gautam has developed a fourth version of Dristibachak software for visually challenged people. 

At a programme organised in the Lake City today by Inclusive Empowerment Centre Nepal, an organisation working for visually disabled people, Computer Association Nepal (CAN) Kaski chapter General Secretary Achyut Khaniya made public the latest version of the software.

The village where half the people are at risk of blindness

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 10:40 -- deepti.gahrotra
In the village school of Kuyu, in the heartland of Ethiopia's Oromia region, more than 20 children put up their hands when asked if anyone in their family has eye problems.

"My mother has lost vision in one eye and the other is causing her big problems," says one boy. "She can't see where she's going."

Another child says her grandmother is blind in both eyes and is forever pulling out her eyelashes. "She rubs and rubs them," explains the nine-year-old girl. "They give her terrible pain."

A Songster’s Story

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 12:25 -- deepti.gahrotra
The soulful bhajans flowing from her had the audience swaying their heads. But Aliya Rashid, unaware of the effect she had on the city’s crowd, kept crooning in her mellifluous voice. Aliya, a visually-impaired Pakistani Dhrupad singer, first of her kind, was in the city to perform at the Vyloppilly Samskrithi Bhavan last week.


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