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A question of vision, not sight

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 11:46 -- deepti.gahrotra

A new television series is trying to change society’s attitude towards the visually impaired.

"My family members don’t realise what I am doing on my own without their help. They only see what I don’t or cannot. This upsets me no end.” I remember these words by a senior research scholar I knew. He was visually impaired.

Tech firms adopt differently-abled-friendly softwares

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 12:25 -- deepti.gahrotra

Assistive technologies like talking cash counting machines and Braille business card readers are being increasingly adopted.The differently abled might be making up merely 1% of the total IT and technology workforce. But to appear diverse and distinct, firms in the city are leaving no stone unturned for transforming themselves into “disable friendly” companies.

Serial to celebrate vision of the sightless

Thu, 09/12/2013 - 10:54 -- deepti.gahrotra

Asif Iqbal is a consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers; Sk Mozammal Haque a businessman; Raja Faiyaz and Subhasish Bandyopadhyay theatre activists. All of them are blind. They, along with sculptor Benode Behari Mukherjee who taught at Kala Bhavan in Santiniketan, feature in a 13-episode television documentary conceived by a man who is also blind.

Visually challenged, he eyes a future

Thu, 09/05/2013 - 12:00 -- deepti.gahrotra

Blindness of establishment did not deter Bolla's dream of being an enterpreneur.

When the poor farmer’s wife gave birth to a blind baby, neighbours suggested that the parents kill the child as it would be a burden on them. But the child’s mother argued that when the grew up and becomes capable of at least stopping dogs from entering the house, he would be a gift for her.

Differently abled youth enthrall audience at Tiruchi cultural event

Tue, 08/20/2013 - 12:09 -- deepti.gahrotra

Kanniga’s lilting voice and soulful rendition of a popular song touched the hearts of listeners as they were awed by the visually impaired girl’s talent and passion.

She was one among several differently abled youngsters who participated in Youth Fest 2013 organised by Team of Social Service (TOSS) at Bishop Heber College on Sunday.

The college auditorium was filled with enthusiastic participants above the age of 15, who danced, sang, drew pictures, and performed mono-acting with passion during the one-day cultural event.

Making air travel more dignified

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 11:52 -- deepti.gahrotra

Security checks often leave persons with disabilities humiliated, traumatised

In view of several recent protests against the insensitive approach of security personnel at airports while checking persons with disabilities, the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) on Wednesday convened a meeting with representatives of the disability sector for inputs on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure that persons with disabilities are not humiliated and traumatised.

By George! He's a Visionary

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 11:36 -- deepti.gahrotra

George Abraham's Score Foundation helps visually impaired people lead normal lives

And now, the man who organised the first cricket world cup for the blind, is onto his next revolution ” a TV serial based on real-life success stories of visually impaired people like him. But can he change the mindsets of governments? Dhiman Chattopadhyay speaks to the man to find out


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