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He was the first and the only President of India so far who invited more than 100 blind students during his swearing-in ceremony at Ashoka Hall of the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Wed, 07/29/2015 - 10:58 -- geeta.nair

APJ Abdul Kalam wanted Gujarat to take lead in becoming the green energy corridor, says Srijan Pal Singh 

Lottery Dept Directed to Issue Tickets in Different Colours, Style

Mon, 07/13/2015 - 10:37 -- geeta.nair

KOZHIKODE:The Kerala State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has directed the Lottery Department to issue tickets in different colours and style every week.

SHRC member K Mohan Kumar, who considered the petition filed by lottery agent K R Harikumar, a blind person hailing from Kannur, said that the move is intended to help the visually challenged lottery vendors.


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